Some news about RRE, plus notes about law and intellectuals, a batch of URL's, and even more books. As I mentioned in a test message a while back, RRE will soon move to a new server at UCLA. If you want to stay subscribed, do nothing. If you want to unsubscribe, you will probably have to wait until we get the new server operating. We'll send out a message when that happens. If you don't get a message from UCLA's RRE server in the next week or so, you can resubscribe to the list by sending a message that looks like this: To: Subject: subscribe rre Note that this command format is a little different from the format that we have used at UCSD. For those who might be curious, at UCSD our mailing-list software was a set of homebrew patches to procmail running on a Unix mainframe; at UCLA we're running a Macintosh-based mailing list program called LetterRip. Dan Frakes of the Educational Technology Unit of the UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information Studies is RRE's new technical director. Eudora users are implored again PLEASE not to use the "redirect" command to forward RRE messages. A complete explanation of the problem can be found at Sometimes a week will go by without anybody sending me any good stuff for RRE. At those times I often find myself worrying that no more good stuff exists, or that nobody cares any longer to send me any of it. Just as irrational are my concerns during those weeks when I get overwhelming amounts of stuff in the mail and worry that hundreds of RRE subscribers will defect. In practice a few RRE subscribers do defect every time the load gets heavy, and a few more might complain, but the proportions are never large. The traffic, about 7 messages per week during June (and lower this month while I've been moving), is way down from the historical high of 12 messages per week a couple of years ago. One difference is that more stuff is circulated on Web pages now. Many of the items whose URL's I supply in messages like this one would have been plain text messages in the old days. This may seem like a good thing, but in fact I think that many conference organizers (for example) are disserved by emphasizing cool Web pages over uncool e-mail in promoting their conferences. The great advantage of e-mail is that people can forward it to their associates. The RRE mailing list is a terrific advertisement for the forwarding effect. RRE subscribership is holding steady at 4200, roughly the same as two years ago. The reason for this, I've decided, is that large numbers of those RRE subscribers have evolved tacit arrangements whereby they filter RRE messages for their friends, colleagues, mailing list participants, or whatever. (At least that's what many people tell me.) The effect often self-organizes: several people from the same workgroup or mailing list etc might all subscribe to RRE, but then one of them gradually makes a habit of forwarding relevant RRE materials to the whole group, whereupon the other group members end their RRE subscription and trust their colleague to filter it for them. I know this because those unsubscribers often feel compelled to apologize to me when I meet them in person. They shouldn't feel bad. They're part of an elaborate organism that is evolving to push information toward people who can use it. RRE is just one little artery in this larger circulatory system, which taken together is more important than the Web in my humble opinion. My message about "law and economics" the other day produced a number of personally abusive messages from people who took me to be questioning the advisability of property rights. Heaven forbid. In fact, anyone who reads that message carefully will discover that I was criticizing the law and economics people for failing to produce an adequately convincing defense of property rights. I gather that somebody took my reductio ad absurdum argument (the one about the economic efficiency of letting someone swipe your unused bicycle) out of context and sent it to some kind of conservative mailing list, whereupon I got some really tedious messages asserting or insinuating that I was a communist. What most bothered me about these messages was that their senders were unassuaged when I explained that they had it backwards. Their purpose, it seemed to me, was not to reason with me but to wound me. This has become a far too common practice lately: going around abusing people whose views one disagrees with, presumably in hopes that they will feel beaten down and hopeless. That stuff doesn't work on me -- it's not physically possible to be more abusive over than Internet than my evil family was in person -- but I expect that it does work on most decent people. My favorite of these messages, from a subscriber to the list, told me that I was ignorant of law and economics and should stop making a fool of myself, and that the reason stealing is illegal is that property rights are necessary for economic freedom and economic freedom is necessary for political freedom. What's wonderful about this is that it's a political argument (i.e., it says that we should outlaw stealing in order to achieve a certain political outcome), not an economic argument, whereas the law-and-economics people require arguments based on economic efficiency, by which they mean the utilitarian maximization of aggregate wealth. I agree with this particular abuser that property rights require a political justification; my point was that the law and economics people set themselves a much harder task. Those who wish to investigate these matters more fully can refer to the following works: Proponents of law and economics: Ronald H. Coase, The problem of social cost, The Journal of Law and Economics 3, 1960, pages 1-44. Richard A. Posner, The Economics of Justice, Harvard University Press, 1981. Harold Demsetz, Toward a theory of property rights, American Economic Review 57(2), 1967, pages 347-359. Richard A. Epstein, Holdouts, externalities, and the single owner: One more salute to Ronald Coase, Journal of Law and Economics 36, 1993, pages 553-586. Robert Cooter and Thomas Ulen, Law and Economics, second edition, Addison-Wesley, 1997. Nicholas Mercuro and Steven G. Medema, Economics and the Law: From Posner to Post-Modernism, Princeton University Press, 1997. Critics of various persuasions: C. Edwin Baker, The ideology of the economic analysis of law, Philosophy and Public Affairs 5(1), 1975, pages 3-48. Pierre Schlag, An appreciative comment on Coase's "The Problem of Social Cost": A view from the left, Wisconsin Law Review 919 (1986). Robin Paul Malloy and Christopher K. Braun, eds, Law and Economics: New and Critical Perspectives, Lang, 1995. Martha Nussbaum, Flawed Foundations: The Philosophical Critique of (a Particular Type of) Economics, 64 University of Chicago Law Review 1197 (1997). Last week's issue of the Times Literary Supplement (published by the Times of London) included an edited-down version of my "Communities and Institutions" piece under the title "Yesterday's tomorrow". This happened because a subscriber to this list evidently knows the science editor at TLS and forwarded the piece to him. (Of course, I asked that the piece not be forwarded, but never mind about that.) My experience with TLS illustrates some of the trade-offs of working through a real publication rather than just broadcasting things on my mailing list. On one hand, TLS does have a larger audience than my list will probably ever have. And unlike some publications that I could name, they did not foul up my language. The editor just said "we would want up to 3,000 words, to reach us by mid-June, written in the style of a TLS essay", where "the style of a TLS essay" mostly entailed cosmetic changes such as removing some American informality. That's the good news. The bad news is that someone at TLS decided that an appropriate summarizing tag-line for the piece would be "The advance of law and order into the utopian wilderness of cyberspace". That tag- line is, of course, very much the sort of cliche that I wrote my piece to oppose. And it could hardly be more confusing: someone reading the first paragraph, the one about the prosecutor trying a guy for sending a threatening message to some college students, could seem superficially like it was headed toward the same old boring "bringing law and order to the vast and unregulated Internet" sort of article -- the sort that is guaranteed to produce hate mail from those who believe fervently that a vast and regulated Internet either exists, could possibly exist, or would be a good thing if it did exist. In fact, as you know, my whole point was to suggest that we stop talking in terms of the Internet as wilderness, frontier, new world, etc, and that we instead view the Internet as embedded in, interacting with, and serving to mediate a wide range of human institutions. Now in my experience, this is a common pattern: you identify a pattern in ways of talking about a topic, and you argue against that way of talking and in favor of some other way, but then you discover that the audience simply maps everything you say onto the old way of talking, without seeming to have any comprehension of the problem. Academics have that problem all the time, and in my experience the problem is much worse in technical fields than it is in those varieties of philosophy and social thought that have been influenced by European intellectual styles. The Europeans understand the pattern and have evolved a whole elaborate system of devices for freeing oneself from the implicit assumptions of intellectual discourses. Technical fields, on the other hand, stoutly resist any attempts to reflect critically on their language, preferring to focus their attention on the real things in the world that they want to study. The varieties of social science that have been influenced by scientific and technical methods and language tend to fall somewhere in the middle. The purpose of my book from last year, "Computation and Human Experience", was to effect a synthesis of these two intellectual approaches. Hardly anybody has read it, however, so I have presumably not succeeded yet. These things take time. In a previous message, some kind of malign influence compelled me to state falsely that Google is a web browser. In fact it is a search engine -- far and away the best search engine on the net. Its secret is that it orders its responses, roughly speaking, by how many people link to them. The result is that you get, by some useful measure, the most important pages first. If you type in somebody's name, you have a decent chance of actually getting their home page, as opposed to some Usenet archive. Check it out. One of my recent discoveries is an academic journal entitled Reviews in American History. It is a quarterly, very cheap at $26/yr (call 1-800-548-1784, or As the title suggests, it consists of reviews, each about six pages in length, of scholarly books about American history. It makes excellent bathroom reading. The reviews generally include a summary of the book, with just enough polemics to make it all fun but not nearly enough to make it tedious. I haven't rechecked all of these URL's since I entered them into the list, so some of them may be broken. Andrew Feenberg's home page Consortium News number 68 on the DOJ report on contra drug smuggling mailing list on software as speech Convergence, Competition and Regulation Unpublished privacy book by Simson Garfinkel Falling Through the Net II: New Data on the Digital Divide Time to take the Net back from the futurists Nothing Sacred: The Politics of Privacy IETF draft document on spam Lex Electronica Advances in Social Informatics and Information Systems, Baltimore, 14-16 August 1998 The Outlook for Freedom, Privacy and Civil Society on the Internet in Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest, 4-6 September 1998. INET'99 Conference, San Jose, 22-25 June 1999 Open Systems Standards Tracking Report see particularly "The moment of truth for data privacy" by John Mogg Ethics and Information Technology Dutch don't let technology trample privacy rights, by Dan Gillmor Textbook Repression: US Training Manuals Declassified Microsoft Terraserver Airline reservation leader wants to tap into passenger travel information The Life of Edward the Confessor Industrial Design Excellence Awards Metropolis design magazine Quotes from Microsoft internal memos Software Publishers Assocation on Microsoft Christian Reconstructionism: Theocratic Dominionism Gains Influence Christian reconstructionism Paul Baran's classic packet switching papers now online NUA study claiming 2.4% of the world's population is online Michael Roger Press -- maker of high-quality artists' sketch pads Article on strategies for open source software development Cyberspace Law Bibliography Documents on faculty layoffs in Canadian universities Roger Clarke on Public Key Infrastructure How to Protect Your Privacy Pete Hamill's online column Dimitri Ypsilanti, and Louisa Gosling, Towards a Global Information Society: Global Information Infrastructure, Global Information Society: Policy Requirements, available through the OECD's site on Information and Communications Policy in the "Information Economy" section The OECD's Information Technology Outlook House Committee on International Relations, Hearing on "Issues in U. S.-European Union Trade: European Privacy Legislation and Biotechnology/Food Safety Policy" (May 7, 1998) Privacy Preferences Project (P3P) Incredibly, books continue pouring into my "Books on the Social Aspects of Computing, 1996-1997". Here are the books -- 140 of them if you can believe that -- that have been added since I last sent the entire bibliography out to the list. Nabil Adam and Yelena Yesha, eds, Electronic Commerce: Current Research Issues and Applications, Springer, 1996. Steven Alter, Information Systems: A Management Perspective, second edition, Benjamin/Cummings, 1996. Gil Amelio and William L. Simon, Profit from Experience: The National Semiconductor Story of Transformation Management, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1996. Ross Anderson, ed, Personal Medical Information: Security, Engineering, and Ethics, Springer Verlag, 1997. Joey Anuff and Ana Marie Cox, eds, Suck: Worst-Case Scenarios in Media, Culture, Advertising, and the Internet, Hardwired, 1997. John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt, eds, In Athena's Camp: Preparing for Conflict in the Information Age, RAND, 1997. Shimon Awerbuch and Alistair Preston, eds, The Virtual Utility: Accounting, Technology and Competitive Aspects of the Emerging Industry, Kluwer, 1997. Mashoed Bailie and Dwayne Winseck, eds, Democratizing Communication? Comparative Perspectives on Information and Power, Hampton Press, 1997. Donald I. Baker and Roland E. Brandel, The Law of Electronic Fund Transfer Systems: Legal and Strategic Planning, revised edition, Warren, Gorham and Lamont, 1996. Michael A. Banks, Web Psychos, Stalkers, and Pranksters, Coriolis Group, 1997. Charles J. Bodenstab, Information Breakthrough: How to Turn Mountains of Confusing Data into Gems of Useful Information: A Guide for Every Type of Organization, Oasis Press, 1997. David Bollier, ed, The Future of Electronic Commerce, Aspen Institute, 1996. Jordi Borja and Manuel Castells, Local and Global: The Management of Cities in the Information Age, Earthscan, 1997. Nick Bozic and Heather Murdoch, eds, Learning through Interaction: Technology and Children with Multiple Disabilities, Fulton, 1996. Robert C. Brenner, Pricing Guide for Web Services: How to Make Money on the Information Superhighway, Brenner, 1997. David Brown, Cybertrends: Chaos, Power, and Accountability in the Information Age, Viking, 1997. Susan Buck-Morss, Julian Stallabrass, and Leonidas Donskis, Ground Control: Technology and Utopia, Art Books International, 1997. Bill Burnham, The Electronic Commerce Report, Piper Jaffray, 1997. Meridith A. Butler and Bruce R Kingman, eds, The Economics of Information in the Networked Environment, Association of Research Libraries, 1996. David Caminer, User-Driven Innovation: The World's First Business Computer, McGraw-Hill, 1996. Chris Casey, The Hill on the Net: Congress Enters the Information Age, AP Professional, 1996. Alan Chai, ed, Cyberstocks: An Investor's Guide to Internet Companies, Hoover's Business Press, 1996. Audrey R. Chapman, ed, Health Care and Information Ethics: Protecting Fundamental Human Rights, Sheed and Ward, 1997. Peter Clayton, Implementation of Organizational Innovation: Studies of Academic and Research Libraries, Academic Press, 1997. Peter S. Cohan, The Technology Leaders: How America's Most Profitable High-Tech Companies Innovate Their Way to Success, Jossey-Bass, 1997. Betty A. Collis, ed, Children and Computers in School, Erlbaum, 1996. Betty Collis, Tele-Learning in a Digital World: The Future of Distance Learning, International Thomson Computer Press, 1996. Anthony Corrado and Charles M. Firestone, eds, Elections in Cyberspace: Toward a New Era in American Politics, Aspen Institute, 1996. Diana Coyle, Weightless World: Strategies for Managing the Digital Economy, Capstone, 1997. Thomas E. Cyrs, ed, Teaching and Learning at a Distance: What It Takes to Effectively Design, Deliver, and Evaluate Programs, Jossey-Bass, 1997. Doug Dayton, Information Technology Audit Handbook, Prentice Hall, 1997. Scott E. Donaldson and Stanley G. Siegel, Cultivating Successful Software Development: A Practitioner's View, Prentice Hall, 1997. James A. Dorn, ed, The Future of Money in the Information Age, Cato Institute, 1997. Kenneth Dyson and Walter Homolka, eds, Culture First! Promoting Standards in the New Media Age, Cassell, 1996. Mark Ebers, ed, The Formation of Inter-Organizational Networks, Oxford University Press, 1997. Joshua M. Epstein and Robert Axtell, Growing Artificial Societies: Social Science from the Bottom Up, Brookings, 1996. Terry Evans and Daryl Nation, eds, Opening Education: Policies and Practices from Open and Distance Education, Routledge, 1996. Edward Forrest and Richard Mizerski, eds, Interactive Marketing: The Future Present, American Marketing Association, 1996. Maurizio Forte and Alberto Siliotti, eds, Virtual Archaeology: Re-Creating Ancient Worlds, Abrams, 1997. George Friedman et al, The Intelligence Edge: How to Profit in the Information Age, Crown, 1997. Richard J. Gascoyne and Koray Ozcubukcu, Corporate Internet Planning Guide: Aligning Internet Strategy with Business Goals, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1997. Robert L. Glass, Software Runaways, Prentice Hall, 1997. Robert B. Grady, Successful Software Process Improvement, Prentice Hall, 1997. Adele Gray and Gina Alphonso, New Game, New Rules: Jobs, Corporate America, and the Information Age, Garland, 1996. Martin Greenberger, Technologies for the 21st Century, volume 7: Scaling Up, Santa Monica: Council for Technology and the Individual, 1996. Richard Hale and Peter Whitlam, Towards the Virtual Organization, McGraw-Hill, 1997. John H. Halvey and Barbara Murphy Melby, Information Technology Outsourcing Transactions: Process, Strategies, and Contracts, Wiley, 1996. Craig W. Harding, ed, Doing Business on the Internet: The Law of Electronic Commerce, Practising Law Institute, 1996. Charles O. Hartman, Virtual Muse: Experiments in Computer Poetry, University Press of New England, 1996. Gail E. Hawisher and Cynthia L. Selfe, eds, Literacy, Technology, and Society: Confronting the Issues, Prentice Hall, 1996. Gail E. Hawisher, Paul Leblanc, Cynthia L. Selfe, and Sibylle Gruber, Computers and the Teaching of Writing in American Higher Education, 1979-1994: A History, Ablex, 1996. Dan F. Henke and Betty W. Taylor, Law in the Digital Age: The Challenge of Research in Legal Information Centers, Glanville, 1996. Luke Hohmann, Journey of the Software Professional: The Sociology of Software Development, Prentice Hall, 1996. Urwula Huws and Ewa Gunnarsson, eds, Virtually Free: Gender, Work and Spatial Choice, NUTEK, 1997. Andy Ihnatko, Cyberspeak: An Online Dictionary, Random House, 1997. Institute of Medicine, The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, National Academy Press, 1997. Toshio Itoh et al, Technology in the 21st Century: Future Readings for an Information-Oriented Society, Ohmsha, 1996. John Kurt Jacobsen, Dead Reckonings: Ideas, Interests, and Politics in the "Information Age", Humanities Press, 1997. Timothy L. Jenkins and Khafra K. Om-Ra-Zeti, Black Futurists in the Information Age: Vision of a 21st Century Technological Renaissance, Unlimited Visions, 1997. Byrd L. Jones and Robert W. Maloy, Schools for an Information Age: Reconstructing Foundations for Learning and Teaching, Praeger, 1996. Yasmin Kafai and Mitchel Resnick, eds, Constructionism in Practice: Designing, Thinking, and Learning in a Digital World, Erlbaum, 1996. Ravi Kalakota and Andrew B. Whinston, Electronic Commerce: A Manager's Guide, Addison-Wesley, 1996. James R. Kalmbach, The Computer and the Page: Publishing, Technology, and the Classroom, Ablex, 1997. Peter Kandzia and Matthias Klusch, eds, Cooperative Information Agents: First International Workshop, Springer, 1997. Harold Kerzner, Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling, sixth edition, Wiley, 1997. Jack Kessler, Internet Digital Libraries: The International Dimension, Artech House, 1996. Bettyann Holtzmann Kevles, Naked to the Bone: Medical Imaging in the Twentieth Century, Rutgers University Press, 1997. Bruce R. Kingma, The Economics of Information: A Guide to Economic and Cost-Benefit Analysis for Information Professionals, Libraries Unlimited, 1996. Kerry Kissinger and Sandra Borchardt, eds, Information Technology for Integrated Health Systems: Positioning for the Future, Wiley, 1996. Joseph Migga Kizza, Ethical and Social Issues in the Information Age, Springer, 1998. Tom Koch, The Message Is the Medium: Online All the Time for Everyone, Praeger, 1996. Lori Laub and Kay Khandphur, Delivering World-Class Technical Support, Wiley, 1996. Anne C. Leer, It's a Wired World: The New Networked Economy, Scandinavian University Press, 1996. Robert K. Logan, The Fifth Language: Learning a Living in the Computer Age, Stoddart, 1997. Annteresa Lubrano, The Telegraph: How Technology Innovation Caused Social Change, Garland, 1997. Eugene Marlow, Web Visions: An Inside Look at Successful Business Strategies on the Net, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1997. Eugene Marlow and Patricia O'Connor Wilson, The Breakdown of Hierarchy: Communicating in the Evolving Workplace, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1997. Charles R. McClure and Cynthia L. Lopata, Assessing the Academic Networked Environment: Strategies and Options, Coalition for Networked Information, 1996. Steve McConnell, Rapid Development: Taming Wild Software Schedules, Microsoft Press, 1996. Malcolm McCullough, Abstracting Craft: The Practiced Digital Hand, MIT Press, 1996. John J. McGonagle, Jr. and Carolyn M. Vella, A New Archetype for Competitive Intelligence, Quorum, 1996. Dana C. McWay, Legal Aspects of Health Information Management, Delmar, 1997 Dirk Messner, The Network Society: Economic Development and International Competitiveness as Problems of Social Governance, Cass, 1997. Philip W. Metzger and John Boddie, Managing a Programming Project: People and Processes, third edition, Prentice Hall, 1996. Nancy Milio, Engines of Empowerment: Using Information Technology to Create Healthy Communities and Challenge Public Policy, Health Administration Press, 1996. Riel Miller, Towards the Learning Society of the 21st Century, OECD, 1996. Steven E. Miller, Civilizing Cyberspace: Policy, Power, and the Information Superhighway, ACM Press, 1996. Mary Etta C. Mills, Carol A. Romano, Barbara R. Heller, Information Management in Nursing and Health Care, Springhouse, 1996. Roger C. Molander, Andrew S. Riddile, and Peter A. Wilson, Strategic Information Warfare: A New Face of War, RAND, 1996. Gwendolyn Moore, John Rollins, and David Rey, Prescription for the Future: How the Technology Revolution is Changing the Pulse of Global Medicine, Knowledge Exchange, 1996. Steve Morris, John Meed, and Neil Svensen, The Intelligent Manager: Adding Value in the Information Age, Pitman, 1996. James L. Morrison, The Healing of America: Welfare Reform in the Cyber Economy, Ashgate, 1997. Hope Morritt, Women and Computer Based Technologies: A Feminist Perspective, University Press of America, 1997. David Morse, ed, Cyber Dictionary: Your Guide to the Wired World, Knowledge Exchange, 1996. David C. Moschella, Waves of Power: Dynamics of Global Technology Leadership 1964-2010, Amacom, 1997. Milton Mueller and Zixiang Tan, China in the Information Age: Telecommunications and the Dilemmas of Reform, Praeger, 1997. Colin Myers, Tracy Hall, and Dave Pitt, eds, The Responsible Software Engineer: Selected Readings in IT Professionalism, Springer, 1997. Robert E. Neilson, ed, Sun Tzu and Information Warfare: A Collection of Winning Papers from the Sun Tzu Art of War in Information Warfare Competition, National Defense University Press, 1997. Nitin Nohria and Sumantra Ghoshal, The Differentiated Network: Organizing Multinational Corporations for Value Creation, Jossey-Bass, 1997. Diana G. Oblinger and Sean C. Rush, eds, The Learning Revolution: The Challenge of Information Technology in the Academy, Anker, 1997. Hiroyuki Odagiri and Akira Goto, Technology and Industrial Development in Japan: Building Capabilities by Learning, Innovation, and Public Policy, Oxford University Press, 1996. Pat Oddy, Future Libraries, Future Catalogues, Library Association, 1997. Thomas A. Ohanian and Michael E. Phillips, Digital Filmmaking: The Changing Art and Craft of Making Motion Pictures, Focal Press, 1996. John O'Looney, Beyond Maps: GIS and Decision-Making in Local Government, International City/County Management Association, 1997. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Electronic Commerce: Opportunities and Challenges for Government, OECD, 1997. Diane Palframan and Andrew Tank, eds, Electronic Commerce: The Risks and Rewards, Conference Board, 1997. S.K. Panda, P. Satyanarayana, and R.C. Sharma, Open and Distance Education Research: Analysis and Annotation, Indian Distance Education Association, 1996. Celia Pearce, The Interactive Book: A Guide to the Interactive Revolution, Macmillan, 1997. William E. Perry and Randall W. Rice, Surviving the Top Ten Challenges of Software Testing: A People-Oriented Approach, Dorset House, 1997. John Plunkett and Louis Rossetto, eds, Mind Grenades: Manifestos from the Future, Hardwired, 1996. Lawrence H. Putnam and Ware Myers, Industrial Strength Software: Effective Management using Measurement, IEEE Computer Society, 1997. Gregory J. E. Rawlins, Moths to the Flame: The Seductions of Computer Technology, MIT Press, 1996. Oliver Remien, Distance Education and Economic and Consumer Law in the Single Market, European Communities, 1996. Otto Riewoldt, Intelligent Spaces: Architecture for the Information Age, King, 1997. Peter Smith Ring, Networked Organization: A Resource Based Perspective, Almqvist and Wiksell, 1996. Kenneth G. Robinson, ed, Bits across Borders: Policy Choices for International Multimedia and Digital Services, Aspen Institute, 1997. William H. Roetzheim and Reyna A. Beasley, Software Project Cost and Schedule Estimating: Best Practices, Prentice Hall, 1997. David H. Rothman, Networld! What People Are Really Doing on the Internet, And What It Means to You, Prima, 1996. Christopher Rowe and Jane Thompson, People and Chips: The Human Implications of Information Technology, third edition, McGraw Hill, 1996. Mark Sableman, More Speech, Not Less: Communications Law in the Information Age, Southern Illinois University Press, 1997. Bob Schmidt, The Geek's Guide to Internet Business Success: The Definitive Business Blueprint for Internet Developers, Programmers, Consultants, Marketers and Service Providers, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1997. Lynne Schrum and Boris Berenfeld, Teaching and Learning in the Information Age: A Guide to Educational Telecommunications, Allyn and Bacon, 1997. Thomas M. Siebel and Michael S. Malone, Virtual Selling: Going Beyond the Automated Sales Force to Achieve Total Sales Quality, Free Press, 1996. Alexander L. Slade and Marie A. Kascus, Library Services for Off-Campus and Distance Education: The Second Annotated Bibliography, Libraries Unlimited, 1996. George Slusser, Gary Westfahl, and Eric S. Rabkin, eds, Immortal Engines: Life Extension and Immortality in Science Fiction and Fantasy, University of Georgia Press, 1996. Bridget Somekh and Niki Davis, eds, Using Information Technology Effectively in Teaching and Learning: Studies in Pre-Service and In-Service Teacher Education, Routledge, 1997. William G. Staples, The Culture of Surveillance: Discipline and Social Control in the United States, St. Martin's Press, 1997. Jan Steyaert, David Colombi, and Jackie Rafferty, eds, Human Services and Information Technology: An International Perspective, Ashgate, 1996. Richard L. Street, Jr., William R. Gold, and Timothy Manning, eds, Health Promotion and Interactive Technology: Theoretical Applications and Future Directions, Erlbaum, 1997. Gerald Sussman, Communication, Technology, and Politics in the Information Age, Sage, 1997. James N. Talbott, New Media: Intellectual Property, Entertainment, and Technology Law, Clark Boardman Callaghan, 1997. Morris Teubal et al, eds, Technological Infrastructure Policy: An International Perspective, Kluwer, 1996. Bruce Tognazzini, Tog on Software Design, Addison-Wesley, 1996. Francoise Tourniaire and Richard Farrell, The Art of Software Support: Design and Operation of Support Centers and Help Desks, Prentice Hall, 1997. Herman E. Van Bolhuis and Vicente Colom, Cyberspace Reflections, Paul, 1997. Joe Vitale, Cyberwriting: How to Promote Your Product or Service Online (Without Being Flamed), AMACOM, 1996. Tony Warner, Communication Skills for Information Systems, Pitman, 1996. Juliet Webster, Shaping Women's Work: Gender, Employment, and Information Technology, Longman, 1996. R.L. Winder, S.K. Probert and I.A. Beeson, eds, Philosophical Aspects of Information Systems, Taylor and Francis, 1997. Alexandra Wyke, 21st-Century Miracle Medicine: RoboSurgery, Wonder Cures, and the Quest for Immortality, Plenum Press, 1997. Edward Yourdon, Death March: The Complete Software Developer's Guide to Surviving "Mission Impossible" Projects, Prentice Hall, 1997. end