Some notes on current events, plus a batch of URL's and more books.

As a periodic reminder, you are welcome to forward all RRE messages to
anyone for any noncommercial purpose.  (Some rare exceptions will be
prominently marked.)  Please, however, do not use Eudora's "redirect"
command for this purpose.

The first rule of Internet writing is: say something interesting right
away.  I hope I've just followed the rule myself.  Lots of people
send me their writings for possible distribution on RRE, and I have
to reject most of them.  By far the most common problem is that the
author spends several paragraphs warming up before providing any
new ideas or information.

Why does the Internet, like the newspaper, require writers to get
right to the point?  Some people explain the issue in terms of the
"attention economy": readers on the Internet can switch from your
essay to somebody else's in no time flat, so you need to grab their

Having grabbed their attention, you then need to hold it.  For that
reason, Internet writing needs to be concise.  In writing for this
list, for example, I have tried to ensure that every sentence conveys
a new and different idea.  And if an idea comes into my head, I don't
write about it until I can say it in one reasonably clean sentence.
It's for others to judge whether I've succeeded in this, of course,
but I do know that my writing feels an awful lot different to me than
it felt several years ago.  The traditional Strunk-and-White rules for
writing concretely -- active verbs, straightforward syntax, and all
that -- also seem to apply with a special vengeance to the Internet.

If the Internet is going to fulfill its vast promise as a new public
sphere, we need to teach people how to write for it.  Fortunately,
that simply means teaching people who to write, period.  It's a lost
art, but we can find it.

Congress originally passed the special prosecutor law in the 1970's
because Republicans were running amok.  Now Congress is talking about
repealing that law because Republicans are running amok.  Can you
spot the pattern?

In fact the pattern is bigger than that.  Consider: Andrew Johnson
was impeached on a grossly inflated pretext by a Congress dominated
by radical Republicans for whom he personified a whole section of the
country that they regarded as literally evil.  So was Bill Clinton.
Andrew Johnson squeaked by because a handful of moderate Republicans
resisted an organized pressure campaign.  That's the likely outcome
here too.  Having wounded Andrew Johnson politically, the radical
Republicans went ahead with a vindictive Reconstruction policy whose
wounds took a hundred years to heal.  And so likewise the leaders of
modern radical Republicanism view their campaign against Bill Clinton
as the opening round of some purges of their own.  Pat Robertson, for
example, is explicit about this, and it is not much of a coincidence
that modern American theocrats refer to their movement as Christian

What's striking and odd about this pattern is that the players have
switched sides.  The radical Republicans of the 1860's were from the
North, and their moral and religious fervor grew from the abolitionist
movement.  The radical Republicans of the 1990's are consolidating
their main base of support in the South, and their leadership is
becoming ever more closely identified with Southern reaction against
the civil rights movement.

So what happened?  On the surface, of course, Southerners' profound
bitterness toward the Republican Party delayed the formation of the
modern conservative alliance by several decades, thus permitting the
Democrats to establish long-term Congressional majorities based on
the strangest of ideological coalitions.  But that's not a complete
explanation.  The time has come, I think, for Americans to face a
certain continuity in their political history: a cultural tendency
that originated in European pietism and took form in the United States
as a militant antirationalism.  Thus, for example, the deep-rooted
American tradition of irrational conspiracy theories from the 18th
century onward.  Although these theories often take secular forms,
they are continually renewed by the theological project of rooting
out the Antichrist.  This tendency is not coextensive with American
conservatism, and it is certainly not coextensive with American
Christianity, but it is an important running theme in American history

In political terms, American pietism has been remarkably protean,
taking one form after another, often without any clear continuity.
In its manifestation as the First Great Awakening in the 1730's, it
scared the daylights out of Englightenment thinkers such as Madison.
But then its demonization of the British crown formed the cultural
substrate for much of the popular support for the revolution.  Later
the Second Great Awakening initiated a period of cultural reaction in
the 1840's, one of whose manifestations was the abolitionist movement.
Today we treat the abolitionists kindly because of the ultimate
justice of their cause, but in fact many prominent abolitionists
were motivated by a hunt for the Antichrist -- sometimes a slightly
secularized hunt and sometimes not secularized at all.

The same cultural energy has taken yet other forms since that time.
Parts of it took theological form as Fundamentalism in the 1910's,
and other parts took political form as anti-Communism.  Both of those
movements being particularly strong in the South, the fading of enmity
toward Republicans has brought us to the present moment.  The point
is that the paranoid tendency in American politics originates as a
disturbed response to oppression that then propels its followers into
oppressive policies of their own, the victims of which become prime
candidates for the next round of vindictive paranoia.  This negative
energy is willing to latch onto any cause, any enemy, and if it can
dress itself in religion then all the better.

In particular, th pietistic movement has served positive and negative
roles in American political culture at different times, depending on
its enemy of the moment -- which figure, that is, it has temporarily
cast in the role of the Antichrist.  The new Antichrist is Bill
Clinton, who has been made to symbolize a liberal movement that the
talk-radio Taliban routinely and massively disparages in the same
terms that have historically been used to disparage Satan -- as a
vast, omnipresent force of boundless and willful perversity that rules
the world through relentless deceit.  This is the dangerous paradox of
American history: that so many of its best moments have been continuous
in their underlying irrationalism with so many of its worst.

What is most particularly dangerous about pietism is its antirational
character.  This antirationalism is the source of the movement's
malleability.  In some cases it has produced perfectly benign forms
of Christian mysticism, but in other cases it has produced straight-
out authoritarianism.  And that's what's happening here.  One mark of
authoritarian irrationalism is the routinized use of a particular kind
of accusation: falsely or exaggeratedly accusing your enemy of doing
what, in fact, you are doing yourself.  This pattern is amazingly
pervasive and consistent.  To take just one small example, I treasure
a fund-raising letter that I received several years ago from the
conservative group Accuracy in Academia that advocated that feminists
be purged from the universities in order to protect academic freedom.

In the case of the ongoing impeachment of Bill Clinton, one of these
projected accusations concerns the "rule of law".  The President's
radical Republican accusers invoke this phrase ceaselessly, and yet
their claims are perfectly backward.  They argue, for example, that
the President must be subject to the law the same as everyone else.
And yet when the President's defenders -- not to mention prominent
Republican prosecutors -- point out that the facts don't fit the law,
and that no ordinary citizen would be indicted under those facts, the
radical Republicans reply that the President should in fact be held to
a higher standard than everyone else.  The two contradictory thoughts
are quite capable of coexisting without anybody noticing the conflict.

Examples of the phenomenon could be multiplied.  Another aspect of
the rule of law is due process, yet the President is facing serious
allegations whose specifics have never been spelled out.  When the
President's lawyers attempt to apply the law to such facts as have
actually been adduced, they are accused of "legalism".  When they
observe that the President has been indicted for using words whose
definitions have been supplied to him by a court, or according to
the definition in the dictionary, the radical Republicans accuse him
of defining words any old way he likes.  When the special prosecutor
issued a long series of historically unprecedented subpoenas and
the President's lawyers appealed them, the House Judiciary committee
presented an article of impeachment arguing that the President had
obstructed justice by claiming historically unprecedented privileges.

In each of these cases the radical Republicans, in falsely accusing
the President of subverting the rule of law, are in fact, by that
very accusation, systematically dismantling the rule of law themselves.
This is not a coincidence: pietism is specifically not about the
rule of law.  It is, to the contrary, about the direct and particular
revelation of God's will.  It is not about the impartial application
of law by its letter to everyone on every side of a fight, but rather
about a Manichean war between good and evil that begins in the theater
of the mind and gets projected out into serious matters of politics.
The impeachment trial, in other words, is nothing short a dry run for
a new theocracy.

It is confusing and frustrating trying to argue with authoritarian
pietists, precisely because of the highly cultivated irrationality
of their arguments and the habitual pattern of projected accusations.
For example, my schematic social history will inevitably be labeled
as a conspiracy theory.  It is important, therefore, to understand the
dynamics of these phenomena in very concrete terms.  Authoritarianism
somehow reconciles two qualities that are normally thought to be
opposite.  On the one hand, the members of an authoritarian movement
are capable of acting with a high level of solidarity because they
share an enemy.  On the other hand, authoritarian societies are highly
atomistic.  How is this combination possible?  Not by a conspiracy
in the ordinary sense but by something a little more complicated.
In the case of the anti-Clinton movement, I recommend a little-noted
article by Peter J. Ognibene that appeared in Salon in May 1998.  It
is entitled "The anatomy of a virtual conspiracy" and it is available
on the Web at .

Ognibene points to a recurring dynamic in the unfolding conspiracy
theories involving Bill Clinton and his circle.  Someone with a vivid
imagination, whether through research or simply through vigilance,
turns up a fact that is compatible with some evil conspiracy, and so
they issue an innuendo.  The innuendo is often framed as a question,
for example "Did Bill Clinton commit bank fraud?".  The half-sketched
theory is laid out and circulated on radio programs, on the Internet,
and in obscure publications.  Someone hearing the half-sketched theory
then realizes with a shock that they also possess some fact that is
consistent with the theory, thereby suggesting a way to extend the
theory in some new direction.  That new realization is then picked
up and spread about by the same media, which treat it as confirming
evidence.  The new innuendo, in turn, causes someone else, somewhere
else, to have their own little revelation.

These half-sketched theories and fragmentary innuendoes may never add
up to any story that is even coherent, much less proveable.  But that
doesn't matter, since the sheer mass of smoke will be taken by a large
audience to demonstrate the certain presence of fire, and professional
propagandists will find ways to frame the facts as suggestively as
possible.  If the theories aren't proven, the cycle simply starts
anew.  Fresh innuendoes are produced and circulated about a cover-up,
whereupon new fragments of information emerge to elaborate them.
Only confirming evidence plays any role, and if contrary evidence or
innocent explanations are offered, then thy become raw material for
theorizing as well.  (One theory on the Internet, by the way, is that
Kenneth Starr is himself an agent in a conspiracy to exonerate Bill
Clinton.)  And so the cycle goes.

Psychiatrists refer the pattern of thinking on exhibit here as
"splitting": instead of being treated as the complex and ambivalent
amalgams that they are, people and institutions are divided mentally
into two diametrically opposed halves, an all-good half located
entirely inside the self and an all-bad half located entirely inside
of a diffusely pervasive enemy.  The pattern of projected accusations
is one manifestation of splitting: one's own aggressive impulses are
experienced as emanating from the object of the aggression, and these
subjectively experienced attacks (which are only the misperception
of one's own attacks) further pump up the anger and bitternness in
a positive feedback loop that can become very dangerous.

It's not enough, however, simply to diagnose some kind of personality
disorder on the individual level.  Crazy people have existed since the
beginning of time without necessarily turning into social movements.
What's really distinctive about conspiracy movements, from the
18th century to the present, is the interaction between individual
psychodynamics and the larger institutional dynamic of mass-mediated
rumor mills.  The rumor mills spread half-sketched conspiracy
theories, and they also spread a huge vocabulary of rhetorical and
cognitive forms that turn the pattern of projected aggression into
a widely shared social discourse.  (Thus, for example, Lucianne
Goldberg's immortal assertion that "They hate us because we believe in
God.")  This interaction has grown even more powerful in recent years
as information technology has facilitated highly sophisticated private
research activities, such as those conducted in the early days of the
Whitewater story by an organization called Citizens United (see the
May 1994 issue of the Columbia Journalism Review) whose investigators
employed the selective use of evidence to mass-manufacture innuendoes
that were reprinted uncritically by the media; these same people later
staffed the bizarre investigations of Whitewater in Congress.

Such a cycle only gets going, of course, if a large enough subculture
starts out predisposed to this kind of loosely associative thinking,
to an endless spiraling profusion of questions without answers, and to
a worldview in which the President -- Bill Clinton! -- could seriously
be thought capable of orchestrating, for example, scores of murders.
But although it finds conspiracy everywhere, the result of all of this
frenzied activity is not itself a conspiracy.  It is something much
worse -- an echo chamber in which irrationality is endlessly amplified
from one mind to the next, from one theory to the next, and in which
the innate human sense of proportion and plausibility and baloney
detection is progressively crushed to a pulp.

The numerous participants to this dynamic need never assemble in a
room; in fact they need never do more than leave one another phone
messages, such as the messages that those few reporters who consider
this material newsworthy have painstakingly reconstructed among
the President's accusers in the early part of 1998.  These people
are, for the most part, decidedly not conspirators.  They're not
capable of that.  They are lonely nuts, each projecting their own
fragmentation onto the outside world in the form of bad religion, bad
politics, irresponsible accusations, and an endlessly ramifying sprawl
of semi-coherent theories about how it all fits together.  And right
now they are running the country.  Will we submit ourselves to being
Reconstructed by them, or will we reassert our collective sanity now?

On the subject of cyber war, Sara Miles wrote to point out the
similarities (and differences) between the new doctrines and the
"low-intensity conflict" doctrine that governed Reagan-era warfare
in Central America and elsewhere.  If anybody wants to scan in her
thorough article on the subject in NACLA Report on the Americas,
she'd be happy to send you a copy.  She's at

The National Writer's Union is putting together a group policy for
freelance writers who need libel insurance -- that is, insurance
that protects you if someone sues you for libel.  Full details at

The Legal and Policy Framework for Global Electronic Commerce
Berkeley, 5-6 March 1999

UCLA Center for the Study of Online Community

Internet Nonprofit Center

E-Mail Communication Between Government and Citizens

Telecom Information Resources on the Internet

GenEthics News

Constituent E-mail and Congressional Web Sites and
Nonprofit Use of Internet Technology for Public Policy Purposes

Data Protection Law and On-Line Services

Access Reports on Freedom of Information

National Policy on Microsoft: A Neutral Perspective

South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Stuart Biegel's monthly (1996-97) column on cyberspace, law, and policy

Cyberspace Law Bibliography

methodology for assessing privacy protection

Paul Kedrosky on information and transparent markets

Learning in the Real World (educational technology skeptics)

ETS study on technology and student achievement

Spam Cop: Spam Eradication Utility

article on the latest Registration Wizard controversy

Intelligent Transportation Systems conference, Toronto, 8-12 November 1998

Engaging Regionalism Conference, Victoria, Australia

Human Rights Watch: Freedom Of Expression On The Internet

Enabling Network-Based Learning, Espoo, Finland, 2-5 June 1999

FDIC "Know Your Customer" regulations

United States Institute of Peace
"virtual diplomacy" bibliography

cyberwar links

Cybercrime, Cyberterrorism, Cyberwarfare

National Security Archives

New entries continue to accumulate in my list of books on the social
aspects of computing from 1996 and 1997.  It never ceases to amaze
me (1) how many such books there are, and (2) how many of them keep
escaping my very thorough searches.  Here, anyway, are all of the
books that I have come across since I last sent the whole list to
RRE in May 1998.  You can find the complete list on the Web at:

Nabil Adam and Yelena Yesha, eds, Electronic Commerce: Current
Research Issues and Applications, Springer, 1996.

Steven Alter, Information Systems: A Management Perspective, second
edition, Benjamin/Cummings, 1996.

Gil Amelio and William L. Simon, Profit from Experience: The National
Semiconductor Story of Transformation Management, Van Nostrand
Reinhold, 1996.

Ross Anderson, ed, Personal Medical Information: Security,
Engineering, and Ethics, Springer Verlag, 1997.

Joey Anuff and Ana Marie Cox, eds, Suck: Worst-Case Scenarios in
Media, Culture, Advertising, and the Internet, Hardwired, 1997.

John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt, eds, In Athena's Camp: Preparing for
Conflict in the Information Age, RAND, 1997.

Shimon Awerbuch and Alistair Preston, eds, The Virtual Utility:
Accounting, Technology and Competitive Aspects of the Emerging
Industry, Kluwer, 1997.

Mashoed Bailie and Dwayne Winseck, eds, Democratizing Communication?
Comparative Perspectives on Information and Power, Hampton Press,

Donald I. Baker and Roland E. Brandel, The Law of Electronic Fund
Transfer Systems: Legal and Strategic Planning, revised edition,
Warren, Gorham and Lamont, 1996.

Michael A. Banks, Web Psychos, Stalkers, and Pranksters, Coriolis
Group, 1997.

Victor Bekkers, Bert-Jaap Koops, and Sjaak Nouwt, eds, Emerging
Electronic Highways: New Challenges for Politics and Law, Kluwer,

Charles J. Bodenstab, Information Breakthrough: How to Turn Mountains
of Confusing Data into Gems of Useful Information: A Guide for Every
Type of Organization, Oasis Press, 1997.

David Bollier, ed, The Future of Electronic Commerce, Aspen Institute,

Jordi Borja and Manuel Castells, Local and Global: The Management of
Cities in the Information Age, Earthscan, 1997.

Nick Bozic and Heather Murdoch, eds, Learning through Interaction:
Technology and Children with Multiple Disabilities, Fulton, 1996.

Sandra Braman and Annabelle Sreberny-Hohammadi, eds, Globalization,
Communication and Transnational Civil Society, Hampton Press, 1996.

Robert C. Brenner, Pricing Guide for Web Services: How to Make Money
on the Information Superhighway, Brenner, 1997.

Tal Brooke, ed, Virtual Gods, Harvest House, 1997.

David W. Brooks, Web-Teaching: A Guide to Designing Interactive
Teaching for the World Wide Web, New York: Plenum Press, 1997.

David Brown, Cybertrends: Chaos, Power, and Accountability in the
Information Age, Viking, 1997.

Susan Buck-Morss, Julian Stallabrass, and Leonidas Donskis, Ground
Control: Technology and Utopia, Art Books International, 1997.

Bill Burnham, The Electronic Commerce Report, Piper Jaffray, 1997.

Meridith A. Butler and Bruce R. Kingman, eds, The Economics of
Information in the Networked Environment, Association of Research
Libraries, 1996.

David Caminer, User-Driven Innovation: The World's First Business
Computer, McGraw-Hill, 1996.

Chris Casey, The Hill on the Net: Congress Enters the Information Age,
AP Professional, 1996.

Alan Chai, ed, Cyberstocks: An Investor's Guide to Internet Companies,
Hoover's Business Press, 1996.

Audrey R. Chapman, ed, Health Care and Information Ethics: Protecting
Fundamental Human Rights, Sheed and Ward, 1997.

Peter Clayton, Implementation of Organizational Innovation: Studies of
Academic and Research Libraries, Academic Press, 1997.

Peter S. Cohan, The Technology Leaders: How America's Most Profitable
High-Tech Companies Innovate Their Way to Success, Jossey-Bass, 1997.

Betty A. Collis, ed, Children and Computers in School, Erlbaum, 1996.

Betty Collis, Tele-Learning in a Digital World: The Future of Distance
Learning, International Thomson Computer Press, 1996.

Melissa Cook, Building Enterprise Information Architectures:
Reengineering Information Systems, Prentice Hall, 1996.

Anthony Corrado and Charles M. Firestone, eds, Elections in
Cyberspace: Toward a New Era in American Politics, Aspen Institute,

Diana Coyle, Weightless World: Strategies for Managing the Digital
Economy, Capstone, 1997.

Thomas E. Cyrs, ed, Teaching and Learning at a Distance: What It Takes
to Effectively Design, Deliver, and Evaluate Programs, Jossey-Bass,

John S. Daniel, Mega-Universities and Knowledge Media: Technology
Strategies for Higher Education, Kogan Page, 1996

Doug Dayton, Information Technology Audit Handbook, Prentice Hall,

Regis Debray, Media Manifestos: On the Technological Transmission of
Cultural Forms, translated by Eric Rauth, Verso, 1996.

Scott E. Donaldson and Stanley G. Siegel, Cultivating Successful
Software Development: A Practitioner's View, Prentice Hall, 1997.

James A. Dorn, ed, The Future of Money in the Information Age, Cato
Institute, 1997.

William H. Dutton, ed, Information and Communication Technologies:
Visions and Realities, Oxford University Press, 1996.

Kenneth Dyson and Walter Homolka, eds, Culture First! Promoting
Standards in the New Media Age, Cassell, 1996.

Mark Ebers, ed, The Formation of Inter-Organizational Networks, Oxford
University Press, 1997.

Joshua M. Epstein and Robert Axtell, Growing Artificial Societies:
Social Science from the Bottom Up, Brookings, 1996.

Terry Evans and Daryl Nation, eds, Opening Education: Policies and
Practices from Open and Distance Education, Routledge, 1996.

Edward Forrest and Richard Mizerski, eds, Interactive Marketing: The
Future Present, American Marketing Association, 1996.

Maurizio Forte and Alberto Siliotti, eds, Virtual Archaeology:
Re-Creating Ancient Worlds, Abrams, 1997.

George Friedman et al, The Intelligence Edge: How to Profit in the
Information Age, Crown, 1997.

Howard M. Friedman, Securities Regulation in Cyberspace, Bowne, 1997.

Richard J. Gascoyne and Koray Ozcubukcu, Corporate Internet Planning
Guide: Aligning Internet Strategy with Business Goals, Van Nostrand
Reinhold, 1997.

Beth Givens and Dale Fetherling, The Privacy Rights Handbook: How to
Take Control of Your Personal Information, Avon, 1997.

Robert L. Glass, Software Runaways, Prentice Hall, 1997.

Robert B. Grady, Successful Software Process Improvement, Prentice
Hall, 1997.

Adele Gray and Gina Alphonso, New Game, New Rules: Jobs, Corporate
America, and the Information Age, Garland, 1996.

Martin Greenberger, Technologies for the 21st Century, volume 7:
Scaling Up, Santa Monica: Council for Technology and the Individual,

Richard Hale and Peter Whitlam, Towards the Virtual Organization,
McGraw-Hill, 1997.

Jolyon E. Hallows, Information Systems Project Management: How to
Deliver Function and Value in Information Technology Projects, AMACOM,

John H. Halvey and Barbara Murphy Melby, Information Technology
Outsourcing Transactions: Process, Strategies, and Contracts, Wiley,

Craig W. Harding, ed, Doing Business on the Internet: The Law of
Electronic Commerce, Practising Law Institute, 1996.

Charles O. Hartman, Virtual Muse: Experiments in Computer Poetry,
University Press of New England, 1996.

Gail E. Hawisher and Cynthia L. Selfe, eds, Literacy, Technology, and
Society: Confronting the Issues, Prentice Hall, 1996.

Gail E. Hawisher, Paul Leblanc, Cynthia L. Selfe, and Sibylle Gruber,
Computers and the Teaching of Writing in American Higher Education,
1979-1994: A History, Ablex, 1996.

Dan F. Henke and Betty W. Taylor, Law in the Digital Age: The
Challenge of Research in Legal Information Centers, Glanville, 1996.

Luke Hohmann, Journey of the Software Professional: The Sociology of
Software Development, Prentice Hall, 1996.

John Howkins and Robert Valantin, eds, Development and the Information
Age: Four Global Scenarios for the Future of Information and
Communication Technology, International Development Research Centre,

Khateeb M. Hussain and Donna Hussain, Information Technology
Management, Digital Press, 1997.

Urwula Huws and Ewa Gunnarsson, eds, Virtually Free: Gender, Work and
Spatial Choice, NUTEK, 1997.

Andy Ihnatko, Cyberspeak: An Online Dictionary, Random House, 1997.

Institute of Medicine, The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential
Technology for Health Care, National Academy Press, 1997.

Toshio Itoh et al, Technology in the 21st Century: Future Readings for
an Information-Oriented Society, Ohmsha, 1996.

John Kurt Jacobsen, Dead Reckonings: Ideas, Interests, and Politics in
the "Information Age", Humanities Press, 1997.

Timothy L. Jenkins and Khafra K. Om-Ra-Zeti, Black Futurists in the
Information Age: Vision of a 21st Century Technological Renaissance,
Unlimited Visions, 1997.

Byrd L. Jones and Robert W. Maloy, Schools for an Information Age:
Reconstructing Foundations for Learning and Teaching, Praeger, 1996.

Yasmin Kafai and Mitchel Resnick, eds, Constructionism in Practice:
Designing, Thinking, and Learning in a Digital World, Erlbaum, 1996.

Ravi Kalakota and Andrew B. Whinston, Electronic Commerce: A Manager's
Guide, Addison-Wesley, 1996.

James R. Kalmbach, The Computer and the Page: Publishing, Technology,
and the Classroom, Ablex, 1997.

Peter Kandzia and Matthias Klusch, eds, Cooperative Information
Agents: First International Workshop, Springer, 1997.

Harold Kerzner, Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning,
Scheduling, and Controlling, sixth edition, Wiley, 1997.

Jack Kessler, Internet Digital Libraries: The International Dimension,
Artech House, 1996.

Bettyann Holtzmann Kevles, Naked to the Bone: Medical Imaging in the
Twentieth Century, Rutgers University Press, 1997.

Badrul H. Khan, ed, Web-Based Instruction, Educational Technology
Publications, 1997.

Bruce R. Kingma, The Economics of Information: A Guide to Economic and
Cost-Benefit Analysis for Information Professionals, Libraries
Unlimited, 1996.

Kerry Kissinger and Sandra Borchardt, eds, Information Technology for
Integrated Health Systems: Positioning for the Future, Wiley, 1996.

Joseph Migga Kizza, Ethical and Social Issues in the Information Age,
Springer, 1998.

David Knights and Tony Tinker, eds, Financial Institutions and Social
Transformations: International Studies of a Sector, New York:
St. Martin's Press, 1997.

Tom Koch, The Message Is the Medium: Online All the Time for Everyone,
Praeger, 1996.

Werner B. Korte and Richard Wynne, Telework: Penetration, Potential
and Practice in Europe, IOS, 1996.

Lori Laub and Kay Khandphur, Delivering World-Class Technical Support,
Wiley, 1996.

Anne C. Leer, It's a Wired World: The New Networked Economy,
Scandinavian University Press, 1996.

Robert K. Logan, The Fifth Language: Learning a Living in the Computer
Age, Stoddart, 1997.

Annteresa Lubrano, The Telegraph: How Technology Innovation Caused
Social Change, Garland, 1997.

Eugene Marlow, Web Visions: An Inside Look at Successful Business
Strategies on the Net, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1997.

Eugene Marlow and Patricia O'Connor Wilson, The Breakdown of
Hierarchy: Communicating in the Evolving Workplace,
Butterworth-Heinemann, 1997.

Charles R. McClure and Cynthia L. Lopata, Assessing the Academic
Networked Environment: Strategies and Options, Coalition for Networked
Information, 1996.

Steve McConnell, Rapid Development: Taming Wild Software Schedules,
Microsoft Press, 1996.

Malcolm McCullough, Abstracting Craft: The Practiced Digital Hand, MIT
Press, 1996.

John J. McGonagle, Jr. and Carolyn M. Vella, A New Archetype for
Competitive Intelligence, Quorum, 1996.

Dana C. McWay, Legal Aspects of Health Information Management, Delmar,

William H. Melody, ed, Telecom Reform: Principles, Policies and
Regulatory Practices, Lyngby University Press, 1997.

Dirk Messner, The Network Society: Economic Development and
International Competitiveness as Problems of Social Governance, Cass,

Philip W. Metzger and John Boddie, Managing a Programming Project:
People and Processes, third edition, Prentice Hall, 1996.

Nancy Milio, Engines of Empowerment: Using Information Technology to
Create Healthy Communities and Challenge Public Policy, Health
Administration Press, 1996.

Riel Miller, Towards the Learning Society of the 21st Century, OECD,

Steven E. Miller, Civilizing Cyberspace: Policy, Power, and the
Information Superhighway, ACM Press, 1996.

Mary Etta C. Mills, Carol A. Romano, Barbara R. Heller, Information
Management in Nursing and Health Care, Springhouse, 1996.

Roger C. Molander, Andrew S. Riddile, and Peter A. Wilson, Strategic
Information Warfare: A New Face of War, RAND, 1996.

Gwendolyn Moore, John Rollins, and David Rey, Prescription for the
Future: How the Technology Revolution is Changing the Pulse of Global
Medicine, Knowledge Exchange, 1996.

Steve Morris, John Meed, and Neil Svensen, The Intelligent Manager:
Adding Value in the Information Age, Pitman, 1996.

James L. Morrison, The Healing of America: Welfare Reform in the Cyber
Economy, Ashgate, 1997.

Hope Morritt, Women and Computer Based Technologies: A Feminist
Perspective, University Press of America, 1997.

David Morse, ed, Cyber Dictionary: Your Guide to the Wired World,
Knowledge Exchange, 1996.

David C. Moschella, Waves of Power: Dynamics of Global Technology
Leadership 1964-2010, Amacom, 1997.

Milton Mueller and Zixiang Tan, China in the Information Age:
Telecommunications and the Dilemmas of Reform, Praeger, 1997.

Colin Myers, Tracy Hall, and Dave Pitt, eds, The Responsible Software
Engineer: Selected Readings in IT Professionalism, Springer, 1997.

Robert E. Neilson, ed, Sun Tzu and Information Warfare: A Collection
of Winning Papers from the Sun Tzu Art of War in Information Warfare
Competition, National Defense University Press, 1997.

Timothy J. Newby, ed, Instructional Technology for Teaching and
Learning: Designing Instruction, Integrating Computers, and Using
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