Digital Preservation, Spring 2016
Bit Faker Productions: Organizing Chaos and Entering the Digital Unknown
Tiffany Naiman (musicology), Taylor Morales
Bit Faker Productions is media production and distribution consultancy company dedicated to the creation of compelling narratives and visual content for the entertainment industry. Over the years the company has accumulated over five hundred screener and master copies of rare independent films spanning the booming era of independent cinema of the 1990s and early 2000s. The collection is mainly housed on VHS, DVD, and Betacam. Bit Faker also holds a collection of original concert footage spanning the years 2003 -- 2016, with over 680 events represented including footage of little know musicians in coffee houses and bars to artist performing at some of the largest music festivals in the world such as Coachella, Hard LA, Glastonbury, and SxSW.
Crawling UCLA's Web Archives: Capturing Issues and Making Recommendations that 'WARC'
Rebecca Fordon, Dvorah Lewis, Niqui O'Neill
Some say the 'web is forever,' but the reality
is far from it. Due to censorship, spotty
funding, and fluidity of content, the web and
its contents are at risk of vanishing. UCLA's
Collections, Research, and Instructional
Services (CRIS) works to document
everything from political dissent in Russia to
transient political movements or campaigns. !
Our goal is to analyze current workflow and
procedures to provide CRIS with a strategy
to meet their objectives in preserving the
web, making it accessible to users, and
encouraging other departments across
campus to join the initiative. Along with
suggesting components of a digital
preservation strategy, we aim to identify
risks and costs of the current system and
suggest recommendations to mitigate
problem areas.
Digital Preservation on Small Scale: The Velaslavasay Paronama
Jonathan Ballak, Emily Coxe, and Jade Finlinson
The Velaslavasay is a non-profit exhibition hall, theatre, and garden in Los Angeles dedicated to the production and the presentation of unusual visual experiences and speciality events, including 360-degrees immersive environments and illustrated lectures on art and historical subjects. As a small organization with limited resources and employees, the Velaslavasay balances the ability to institute preservation standards appropriate for businesses and methods on scale with personal archiving. Our assessment of the Velaslavasay options for short- and long-term storage are based on balancing its present needs with the costs of creating and mantaining a system that is practical and flexible enough to be expanded upon the future.
Kip Holcomb, Mary Priest
Warner Music Group became increasingly aware
of the perils of long-term preservation when
dealing with the loss of audio recording assets.
Several fires and a few cases of neglect meant
the destruction many irreplaceable items. These
casualties prompted a closer consideration of how
to digitally capture their existing audio content
and how to maintain several redundant copies for
protection against loss.