B.A., Doane College, 1965 [Junior Year, University
of Copenhagen]
Ph.D, Philosophy, Columbia University, 1973
[DAAD Fellowship, University of Tubingen, 1969-1971; study in Paris,
1971-1972] [back]
Teaching and Administration
George F. Kneller Chair in the Philosophy of
Education, UCLA, 1997-
Professor of Philosophy, University of Texas at Austin, 1985-1997
Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Austin, 1979-1985
Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Austin, 1973-1979
Instructor, Hunter College, Spring 1973 Instructor, Columbia College,
1967-1969 [back]
Fellowships, Professorships, and Honors
Michael Harrington Book Award, American Political
Science Association, 1998
Fulbright Professor, University of Tampere, Finland, Winter 1996
Bonnier Professor, Stockholm University, Spring 1996
Windsor University Humanities Research Fellow, Summer 1995
Taiwan National Science Foundation Professorship, Tunghai University,
Spring 1994
University Research Grant, UT-Austin, 1990
George Stoney Award for Distinguished Contributions to Public Access
Television, 1988
University Research Grant, UT-Austin, 1984
NEH Summer Stipend, 1980
Dictionary of American Scholars, 1978-
Who's Who in America, 1976-
DAAD Fellowship, Tubingen University, 1969-1971
Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowship, 1969
Preceptor in Philosophy, Columbia University 1967-1969
President's Fellow, Columbia University, 1966-1967
Woodrow Wilson Fellow, Columbia University 1965-1966 [back]
Professional Service
Member of American Philosophical Association,
American Sociological Association, World Sociology Congress, American
Political Science Association, Popular Culture Association, Society
for Cinema Studies, Union for Democratic Communications, Radical
Philosophy Association, Society for the Study of Phenomenology and
Existential Philosophy, and California Association for Philosophy
of Education Editorial Services to Scholarly Publications: editor
of series for Guilford Press; review manuscripts for University
of Minnesota Press, Sage Press, Routledge, Yale University Press,
Johns Hopkins University Press, University of Toronto Press, Westview
Press, Rowman and Littlefield, University of California Press, SUNY
Press, Norton, University of Texas Press, and others; on editorial
board of many journals, including Theory, Culture and Society,
New Political Science, New German Critique, Social
Theory and Practice, Centennial Review, Science-as-Culture,
and The Review of Education/Pedagogy/Cultural Studies. [back]
A. Authored and Co-Authored Books and Edited
Grand Theft 2000 Lanham, Md.: Rowman and
The Postmodern Adventure, co-authored
with Steven Best. New York and London: Guilford and Routledge, 2001).
Media and Cultural Studies: KeyWorks,
co-edited with Gigi Durham, Blackwell, 2001).
Toward a Critical Theory of Society. London
and New York: Routledge, 2001 (second of six volumes on unpublished
and/or uncollected works of Herbert Marcuse edited and introduced
by Douglas Kellner).
Film, Art and Politics: An Emile de Antonio
Reader, co-edited with Dan Streible, University of Minnesota
Press, 2000.
Technology, War, and Fascism. London and
New York: Routledge, 1998; Portugese translation, Technologia, Guerra
e Fasismo, 1999; Sao Paolo, Brazil: UNESP (first of six volumes
on unpublished and/or uncollected works of Herbert Marcuse to be
published with Routledge and UNESP).
The Postmodern Turn, co-authored with
Steven Best. New York: Guilford Press, 1997; winner, Michael Harrington
Award; American Political Science Association, 1998.
CD-ROM on Painter's Painting, Voyager,
1996; co-produced with Ron Mann; edited over 700 pages of transcripts;
wrote over 150 pages of text on American art and de Antonio's films;
book version, forthcoming, University of Minnesota Press.
Articulating the Global and the Local.
Globalization and Cultural Studies, co-edited with Ann Cvetkovich.
Westview, 1996.
Media Culture. Cultural Studies, Identity
and Politics Between the Modern and the Postmodern. Routledge: 1995;
Finnish translation, Mediakulttuuri, Tampere: Vastapaino, 1998.
Baudrillard. A Critical Reader, edited
with Introduction. Blackwell, 1994.
The Persian Gulf TV War, Westview Press,
Postmodern Theory: Critical Interrogations,
co-authored with Steven Best. London and New York: Macmillan and
Guilford Press, 1991; Chinese translation 1995.
Television and the Crisis of Democracy.
Westview Press, 1990.
Critical Theory, Marxism, and Modernity,
Cambridge and Baltimore. Polity Press and John Hopkins University
Press, 1989.
Jean Baudrillard: From Marxism to Post-Modernism
and Beyond. Cambridge, England and Palo Alto, Cal.: Polity Press
and Stanford University Press, 1989; Japanese translation forthcoming.
Critical Theory and Society. A Reader,
co-edited with Stephen Eric Bronner, Metheun/Routledge, 1989.
Che Guevara, Chelsea House, 1988; Spanish
translation 1990.
Camera Politica: The Politics and Ideology
of Contemporary Hollywood Film, co-authored with Michael Ryan,
Indiana University Press, 1988; Turkish translation, 1998; Korean
translation 1999.
Kwame Nkrumah, Chelsea House, 1987.
Herbert Marcuse and the Crisis of Marxism,
University of California Press (USA) and Macmillan Press (England),
Passion and Rebellion: The Expressionist Heritage,
co-edited with Stephen Eric Bronner. New York: Universe Books and
Bergin Publishers (USA) and London: Croom Helm (England), 1983;
second edition, Columbia University Press, 1988.
Karl Korsch: Revolutionary Theory. Austin,
Texas: University of Texas Press, 1977; British edition, London:
Pluto Press, 1981; Spanish translation, El Marxismo Revolucionario
de Karl Korsch, Premia, 1981.
Heidegger¹s Concept of Authenticity. Ph.
Dissertation, Columbia University, 1973. [back]
B. Published Articles
"Cultural Studies and
Philosophy: An Intervention," in Toby Miller, editor A Companion
to Cultural Studies, Cambridge and Boston, Blackwell: 139-153.
"Afterword: Reading Giroux,"
in Henry Giroux, Public Spaces, Private Lives: Beyond the Culture
of Cynicism. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 2001: 141-164.
"The Sports Spectacle, Michal
Jordan and Nike: Unholy Alliance?" in Michael Jordan, Inc. Corporate
Sport, Media Culture, and Late Modern America, edited by David
Andrews," SUNY Press, 2001: 37-64.
"Foreward: May 1968 in France: Dynamics and Consequences,"
Andrew Feenberg and Jim Freedman, When Poetry Ruled the Streets:
The French May Events of 1968. Albany, New York: State University
of New York Press: xv-ix.
"Critical Pedagogy, Cultural Studies, and Radical
Democracy at the Turn of the Millennium: Reflections on the Work
of Henry Giroux," Cultural Studies, Critical Methodologies,
Vol. 1, Number 2, 2001: 220-239.
(with Rhonda Hammer) (2001) "Multimedia Pedagogical
Curriculum for the New Millennium," Multi/Intercultural Conversations.
New York: Peter Lang: 343-360.
(with Steve Best) (2001) "Dawns, Twilights, and
Transitions: Postmodern Theories, Politics, and Challenges." Democracy
and Nature, Vol. 7, Nr. 1: 101-117.
"Cultural Studies and Social Theory: A Critical
Intervention," in Handbook of Social Theory, edited by George
Ritzer and Barry Smart. Oxford: Blackwell, 2001: 395-409.
"New Technologies/New Literacies: Reconstructing
Education for the New Millennium," Internation Journal of Technology
and Design Education, Vol. 11, (2000): 67-81.
"New Technologies/New Literacies: reconstructing
education for the new millennium," Teaching Education, Vol.
11, No. 3 (2000): 245-265.
"Theorizing Globalization Critically," in Alexandra
Suess, editor, Globalisierung. Ein wissenschaftlicher Diskurs?
Manz, Wien: Passagen Verlag, 2000: 73-108.
"Marcuse and the Quest for Radical Subjectivity,"
Social Thought and Research, 2000.
"Crossing the Postmodern Divide with Borgmann,
or Adventures in Cyberspace," in Eric Higgs, et al, editors, Technology
and the Good Life? Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000:
"Multiple Literacies and Critical Pedagogies:
New Paradigms," in Revolutionary Pedagogies. Cultural Politics,
Instituting Education, and the Discourse of Theory, edited by
Peter Pericles Trikonis. New York and London: RoutledgeFalmer, 2000:
"From Nam to the Gulf: Postmodern Wars?" in The
Vietnam War and Postmodernity, edited by Michael Bibby. Amherst,
Mass.: University of Massachussetts Press, 2000: 199-236.
"Jean Baudrillard," in Blackwell Companion
to Major Social Theorists, edited by George Ritzer. Oxford:
Blackwell, 2000: 731-753.
(with Steven Best) "Afloat in Cloud Cuckoo Land?
Some Critical Comments on the Symposium, "Manufacturing Nature,
Naturalizing Machines," (2000). Organization and Environment,
Vol. 13, No. 1 (March): 102-104.
"Globalization and New Social Movements: Lessons
for Critical Theory and Pedagogy," in Globalization and Education,
edited by Nicholas Burbules and Carlos Torres, Routledge 2000: 299-322.
"Virilio, War, and Technology: Some Critical
Reflections," Theory, Culture and Society, Vol. 16(5-6),
1999: 103-125; reprinted in Paul Virilio. From Modernism to Hypermodernism
and Beyond, edited by John Armitrage (London: Sage Publications,
2000: 103-125.
"Nietzsche's Critique of Mass Culture," International
Studies in Philosophy, 31:3 (1999): 77-89; translated as " A
critica de Nietzsche a multura de massa,"in Revista Famecos
(Dezembro 2000): 12-22.
"Uno slogan surrealista in mezzo all'insurrezione,"
Indice (November 1999): X-XI.
"Introduction to Lujun: Herbert Marcuse and
Freedom," (in Chinese), 1999.
"Globalization From Below? Toward a Radical Democratic
Technopolitics," Angelaki 4:2 (1999): 101-113.
"Debord and the Postmodern Turn: New Stages of
the Spectacle," (with Steven Best), Substance #90 (1999):
"Theorizing the Present Moment: Debates Between
Modern and Postmodern Theory," Theory and Society, Vol. 28/4
(August 1999): 639-656.
"The X-Files, Paranoia, and Conspiracy: From
the '70s to the '90s," Framework 41 (Autumn 1999): 16-36.
"Culture Industries," in A Companion to Film
Theory, edited by Toby Miller and Robert Stam, Blackwell, 1999:
"Adventures in Continental Philosophy," in Portraits
of American Continental Philosophers, edited by James Watson,
Indiana University Press, 1999: 75-84.
"The X-Files and the Aesthetics and Politics
of Postmodern Pop," Journal of Aesthetics, 57: 2 (Spring
1999): 161-175.
"Engels and Modernity," in Engels After Marx,
edited by Manfred B. Steger and Terell Carver. University Park,
PA.: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1999: 163-178.
"Herbert Marcuse," and "T.W. Adorno," Oxford
Dictionary of Philosophy, Oxford University Press, 1999: .
"Afterword" to Intermediality, edited
by Ladislau Semali and Ann Watts Pailliotet, Westview, 1999: 223-227.
"Theorizing McDonaldization: A Multiperspectivist
Approach," in Resisting McDonaldization, edited by Barry
Smart. London: Sage Publications, 1999: 186-206.
"Multimedia Pedagogical Curriculum for the New
Millennium," co-authored with Rhonda Hammer, Journal of Adolescent
& Adult Literacy, Vol. 42, Nr. 7 (April 1999): 522-526.
"New Technologies, TechnoCities, and the Prospects
for Democratization," in Technocities, edited by John Downey
and Jim McGuigan, London: Sage Publications, 1999: 186-204.
"Lorenzo Simpson's Conversations with Technology,
Modernity, and Postmodernity: Some Critical Reflections," Research
in Philosophy and Technology, Volume 18 (1999): 227-245.
(with Steven Best) "Kevin Kelly's Complexity
Theory: The Politics and Ideology of Self-Organizing Systems," Organization
and Environment, Vol. 12, Nr. 2 (1999): 141-162.
"Herbert Marcuse," American National Biography.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1999: 493-495.
"New Technologies, the Welfare State, and the
Prospects for Democratization," in Communication, Citizenship,
and Social Policy, edited by Andrew Calabrese and Jean-Claude
Burgelman. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield 1999: 239-256.
"Foreward" to Laura R. Linder, Public Access
Television. America's Electronic Soapbox. Westport, Connecticut,
1999: xi-xii.
"Multiple Literacies and Critical Pedagogy in
a Multicultural Society." Educational Theory, Vol. 48, Nr.
1 (1998): 103-122.
Preface to Valerie Scatamburlo, "Political Correctness
and the Rightwing Assault on Education." New York: Peter Lang, 1998:
"Hollywood and Society: Critical Perspectives,"
in The Oxford Guide to Film Studies, edited by John Hill
and Pamela Church Gibson. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998:
"Public Access Television," in Encyclopaedia
of Television, edited by Horace Newcomb, 1998: 567-571.
"Fassbinder, Women and Melodrama: Critical Interrogations,"
in Triangulated Visions: Women in Recent German Cinema, edited
by Ingeborg Majer O'Sickey and Ingeborg von Zadow, SUNY Press, 1998:
"Globalization and the Postmodern Turn," in Globalization
and Europe, edited by Roland Axtmann. London: Cassells, 1998:
"Media Culture, Social Theory, and Cultural Studies:
A Reply to Some Critics," Symposium on Douglas Kellner, Media Culture,
in Research in Philosophy and Technology, Volume 17 (1998):
"Preface to New Edition of Herbert Marcuse, Eros
and Civilization." London: Routledge, 1998: xi-xix.
"Herbert Marcuse," in Blackwell Companion
to Continental Philosophy, edited by Simon Critchley and William
R. Schroeder. Oxford: Blackwell, 1998: 389-396.
"Learning the Holocaust: Reflections on the Shoah
Project," with Rhonda Hammer, LA Glue, Vol. 1, Nr. 2 (May
1998): 12.
"Foreward: McDonaldization and its Discontents:
Ritzer and His Critics," in McDonaldization Revisited, edited
by Mark Alfino, John S. Caputo, and Robin Wynard. London: Praeger
Press, 1998: vi-xiv.
(with Steven Best) "Beavis and Butt-Head and
Postmodern Youth: A Diagnostic Critique" in Youth Culture,
edited by Jon Epstein. Malden, Mass. and Oxford, UK: Blackwell,
1998: 74-99.
"Multiple Literacies and Critical Pedagogy in
a Multicultural Society," in The Promise of Multiculturalism,
edited by George Katsiaficas and Teodros Kiros. New York and London:
Routledge, 1998: 211-236.
"Reading Culture Critically," the review of
Education/Pedagogy/ Cultural Studies, Vol. 20, Nr. 3 (1998):
(with Steven Best) "Postmodern Politics and the
Battle for the Future," New Political Science, Vol. 20, Nr.
3 (1998): 283-299.
(with Steven Best) "La politica postmoderna la
batallia por el futuro," Revista de Ciencias Sociales, Nuevo
5 (Jun1o 1998): 5-29.
Foreward to Dictionary of Cultural Theorists,
edited by Ellis Cashmore and Chris Rojek. London: Arnold, 1998:
"Jean Baudrillard," "Fredric Jameson," and "Herbert
Marcuse," Encyclopaedia of Aesthetics, Michael Kelly, editor,
Columbia University Press (1998): .
"The New Taiwanese Cinema," Jump Cut 42
(1998): 101-115.
"Intellectuals, the Public Sphere, and New Technologies,"
in Research in Philosophy and Technology, Vol. 16 (1997):
"Brecht's Marxist Aesthetic," A Bertolt Brecht
Reference Companion, edited by Siegfried Mews. Westport, CT.:
Greenwood Press, 1997: 281-295.
"Beavis and Butt-Head: No Future for Postmodern
Youth," in Kinderculture. The Corporate Construction of Childhood,
edited by Shirley Steinberg and Joe Kincheloe. Westview, 1997: 85-102.
"Political Economy and Cultural Studies: Overcoming
the Divide," Cultural Studies in Question, edited by Marjorie
Ferguson and Peter Golding. London: Sage Publications, 1997: 102-120
"Social Theory and Cultural Studies," Sociology
After Postmodernism, edited by David Owen. London: Sage Publications,
1997: 138-157.
"Ideology, Culture and Utopia in Ernst Bloch,"
Not Yet. Reconsidering Ernst Bloch, edited by Jamie Owen
Daniel and Tom Moylan. London, Verso: 1997: 80-95.
"Marcuse, Surrealismus und Marxismus," Weg
und Ziel, Nr. 2 (Mai 1997): 38-41.
"1928: Erich Fromm joins the Institute for Social
Research and begins a ten-year affiliation with the Frankfurt School,"
Yale Companion to Jewish Writing and Thought in German Culture,
edited by Sander L. Gilman and Jack Zipes. New Haven: Yale University
Press, 1997: 479-484.
"Intellectuals, the New Public Spheres and Techno-Politics,"
New Political Science 41-42 (Fall 1997): 169-188.
"Critical Theory and British Cultural Studies:
The Missed Articulation," in Cultural Methodologies, edited
by Jim McGuigan. London: Sage, 1997: 12-41.
Entry on "Eros," co-authored by Wolfgang Fritz
Haug, in Historisch-kritisches Worterbuch des Marxismus,
edited by Wolfgang Fritz Haug. Berlin: Argument Verlag, 1997: 785-794.
"Poltergeists, Gender, and Class. Horror Film
in the Age of Reagan," Cinema and the Question of Class,
edited by David E. James and Rick Berg. Minneapolis: Minnesota University
Press, 1996: 217-239.
The Gulf War and Propaganda," Taking Sides:
Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Mass Media and Society,
edited by Alison Alexander and Jarice Hanson. Guilford, CT.: Dushkin
Publishing Group, 1996: 112-134.
"Sports, Media Culture, and Race--Some Reflections
on Michael Jordan," Sociology of Sports Journal, Volume 13
(1996): 458-467.
"Man Trouble," in The Review of Education/Pedagogy/Cultural
Studies, Vol. 17, No. 2, 1995: 175-183; reprinted in Education
and Cultural Studies, edited by Henry Giroux and Patrick Shannon.
New York: Routledge, 1996: 79-88.
"The Information Superhighway and the [Democratic?]
Future," Downtown, January 24, 1996: 14-16.
"The End of Orthodox Marxism," Marxism in
the Postmodern Age, edited by Jack Amarglio, et al. New York,
Guilford Press: 1995: 33-41.
Entry on Fredric Jameson for John Hopkins
Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism, edited by Michael Groden
and Martin Kreiswirth, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,
1995: 424-426.
"Cultural Studies, Multiculturalism, and Media
Culture," Gender, Race and Class in Media, edited by Gail
Dines and Jean Humez. Beverley Hills: Sage, 1995: 5-17.
"Reading Images Critically. Toward a Postmodern
Pedagogy," Gender, Race and Class in Media, edited by Gail
Dines and Jean Humez. Beverley Hills: Sage, 1995: 126-132.
"The Obsolescence of Marxism?" in Whither
Marxism?, edited by Bernd Magnus and Stephen Cullenberg. London
and New York: Routledge, 1995: 3-30.
"Herbert Marcuse," Scribner Dictionary of
American Biography. New York: Charles Scribner & Son, 1995:
Preface to Rethinking Media Literacy,
edited by Peter McLaren, et al., New York: Peter Lang, 1995: xiii-xvii.
"Media Communications vs. Cultural Studies: Overcoming
the Divide," Communication Theory, Five: Two (May 1995):
162-177; also published in Tidskrift for Kultur Studier, Nummer
1 (1995): 34-55.
"Spike Lee's Morality Tales," Philosophy and
Film, edited by Cynthia Freeland and Thomas Wartenberg. New
York, Routledge, 1995: 201-217.
"Intellectuals and New Technologies," Media,
Culture, and Society, Vol. 17 (1995): 427-448.
"The Wars against Iraq: 1993," Middle East
in Crisis, Yahya Mahemdi, editor. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood
Press, 1995.
"Marxism, the Information Superhighway, and the
Struggle for the Future," Humanist Sociology, Vol. 19, Nr.
4 (November, 1995): 41-56.
"Madonna, Fashion, and Identity," in Fashion,
edited by Shari Benstock and Suzanne Ferris, New Brunswick, N.J.
Rutgers University Press, 1994: 159-182.
"Baudrillard and Fin de Millenium," in Baudrillard.
A Critical Reader, edited by Douglas Kellner, London, Blackwell,
1994: 1-23.
"A Marcuse Renaissance?," Marcuse. From the
New Left to the Next Left, edited by John Bokina and Timothy
J. Lukes.Lawrence, University of Kansas Press, 1994: 245-267.
"Cultural Studies and the Gulf War: A Multi-Perspectival
Approach," in Styles of Cultural Activism, edited by Philip
Goldstein. Newark, Del.: University of Delaware Press, 1994: 103-129.
(with Robert J. Antonio) "Postmodern Social Theory:
Contributions and Limitations" in Postmodernism and Social Inquiry,
edited by David Dickens and Andrea Fontana. New York: Guilford Press,
1994: 127-152.
Preface to Violence to Non-Violence, edited
by William Kelly. Craftsman House: Harwood Academic Publishers,
1994: vii-ix.
"Critical Theory and Consumer Culture," in The
Polity Reader in Cultural Theory. Cambridge, England: Polity
Press, 1994: 73-80.
"Beavis and Butt-Head and Generation X," Downtown
(March 2, 1994): 12-15.
"Herbert Marcuse," in Leaders from the 1960s,
edited by Daniel De Leon. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1994:
"Rap and Black Political Discourse," Mediations,
Vol. 18, Nr. 1 (Spring 1994), 60-65.
"Populare Kultur und die Konstruktion postmoderner
Identitaten" in Philosophische Ansichten der Kultur der Moderne,
Herausgegeben von Andreas Kuhlmann. Frankfurt: Fischer 1994: 214-237.
"Marcuse in the 1940s: Some New Textual Discoveries,"
in Kritik und Utopie im Werk von Herbert Marcuse, edited
by Wolfgang Bonss and Axel Honneth. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1993: 301-311.
"Herbert Marcuse," and "T.W. Adorno" in The
Routledge Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Political Thinkers,
edited by Robert Benewick and Philip Green. London: Routledge 1993:,
1-4, 149-152.
"Minima Moralia: The Gulf War in Fragements,"
Downtown (1993;
"Gulf War II: The Media Offensive" Lies of
Our Times (May 1993), 17-19.
"Gulf War II and the U.S. Media," Public Media
Monitor, Vol. 3, No. 2 (Spring 1993), 4, 7.
"Film, Politics, and Ideology: Toward a Multiperspectival
Film Theory," Movies and Politics. The Dynamic Relationship,
edited by James Combs. New York: Garland Press, 1993, 55-92.
"Marxist Criticism," in Dictionary of Contemporary
Criticism and Critical Terms, edited by Irene Makaryk. Toronto:
University of Toronto Press, 1993: 95-100.
"Critical Theory and Social Theory: Current Debates
and Challenges," Theory, Culture, and Society, Vol. X, Nr.
2 (1993), 43-61.
"Minima Moralia: The Gulf War in Fragements,"
Journal of Social Philosophy, Vol. XXIV, Nr. 2 (Fall 1993),
"The Bush Administration's Big Lies: A case study
of media manipulation and disinformation," Interaction, Vol.
11, No. 1 (1993): 26-51.
"Toward a Multiperspectival Cultural Studies,"
Centennial Review, Vol. XXVI, Nr. 1 (Winter 1992), 5-41.
Translated into Chinese in Contemporary, Fall 1992: .
"U.S. Television, the Crisis of Democracy, and
the Persian Gulf War" in Media, Crisis, and Democracy, edited
by Marc Raboy and Bernard Dagenais. London: Sage, 1992, 44-62.
"Public Access Television and the Struggle for
Democracy," Democratic Communications in the Information Age,
edited by Janet Wasko and Vincent Mosco. Peterborough, Ont.: Garamond
Press, 1992: 100-113.
"Television and Democracy," in Social Problems,
edited by Craig Calhoun and George Ritzer. New York: Mc-Graw-Hill,
1992 (electronic publication).
(with Robert J. Antonio) "Communication, Democratization,
and Modernity: Critical Reflections on Habermas and Dewey," Habermas,
Pragmatism, and Critical Theory, special section of Symbolic
Interaction, Vol. 15, Nr. 3 (Fall 1992), 277-298.
"Herbert Marcuse and Radical Ecology," Capitalism,
Nature, and Socialism, Vol. 3, Nr. 3 (Sept. 1992), 43-46; in
Italian, "Commenti a Herbert Marcuse, Capitalismo Natura Socialismo,
N. 6 (Anno II N. 3) Dicembre 1992: 61-64.
"USA: N Yaltajulkisuuden Sokeat Pisteet," Interview
in Finnish journal Ydin, Numero 1, 1992, 12-17.
"Postmodernism, Identity, and the Politics of
Popular Culture," in Postmodernism and Identity, edited by
Scott Lash and Jonathan Friedman. London: Hutchinson, 1992, 141-177.
"Erich Fromm, Feminism, and the Frankfurt School,"
in Erich Fromm und die Frankfurter Schule, edited by Michael
Kessler and Rainer Funk. Tubingen: Francke Verlag, 1992, 111-130.
"Television Y Postmodernidad," Archipielago
8 (1992), 89-100.
(with Robert J. Antonio) "Metatheorizing Historical
Rupture: Classical Theory and Modernity," Metatheorizing,
edited by George Ritzer. New York: Sage, 1992, 88-106.
"The Crisis in the Gulf and the Mainstream Media,"
Journal of Electronic Communication, 1991.
(with John Harms) "Critical Theory and Advertising,"
Current Perspectives in Social Theory, Vol. 11, 1991, 41-67
"Film, Politics, and Ideology: Reflections on
Hollywood Film in the Reagan Era," The Velvet Light Trap,
No. 27 (Spring 1991), 9-24. Translated into Chinese in Contemporary,
Vol. 5, No. 1, 90-119.
"Introduction to the Second Edition {of One-Dimensional
Man}," Boston: Beacon Press, 1991, xi-xl.
"Nietzsche and Modernity: Reflections on Twilight
of the Idols," International Studies in Philosophy, XXIII/2
(1991), 3-17.
"El Papel Beligerante de la 'Libertad de Prenza'
in Los USA," Archipielago 6 (1991), 3-6.
"Postmodernismus als kritische Gesellschaftstheorie?
Herausforderungen und Probleme," in Abschied von der Aufklärung,
Heinz-Hermann KrÜger, editor. Oplande: Leske & Budrich, 1990 37-60:
"The Postmodern Turn in Social Theory: Positions,
Problems and Prospects," In Frontiers of Social Theory: The New
Syntheses, ed. George Ritzer. New York: Columbia University
Press, 1990: 255-286.
"Critical Theory and Ideology Critique," in Critical
Theory and Aesthetics, Ronald Roblin, editor, Lewiston: The
Edwin Mellen Press, 1990, 85-123.
"From 1984 to One-Dimensional Man:
Reflections on Orwell and Marcuse," Current Perspectives in Social
Theory, 1990, 223-252.
"Sexual Politics in the 1980s: Terms of Endearment
and Independence Day" in Film and Sexual Politics,
edited by Diane Raymond, Bowling Green Popular Press, 1990, 231-246.
(with Steve Best) "Kierkegaard, Mass Media, and
The Corsair Affair," International Kierkegaard Commentary,
edited by Robert Perkins, 1990, 23-62.
"Advertising, Fashion, and Consumer Culture,"
in Questioning the Media, edited by John Downing, et al.
(Sage: 1990), 242-254; second revised edition 1996.
"Critical Theory and the Crisis of Social Theory,"
Special issue on Critical Theory, edited by David Harvey, Sociological
Perspectives, Vol. 33, No. 1 (1990), 11-33.
Entries on Erich Fromm, Raya Dunaveskaya, and
(with Steve Best and Paul Buhle) Marxist Philosophy, in Enclyclopaedia
of the Left, edited by Paul Buhle and Dan Georgiakis (New York:
Garland Press, 1990), 205-206, 247-248, 575-577.
"In Memororiam: Raya Dunayevskaya" and "A Comment
on the Dunayevskaya-Marcuse Dialogue," Quarterly Review of Ideology,
Vol. 13, No. 4 (1990), 17-19 and 31-33.
(with John Harms) "Critical Reflections on Recent
Literature on Advertising and the Consumer Society," Borderlines
(Winter 1989): 36-39.
"Boundaries and Borderlines: Reflections on Jean
Baudrillard and Critical Theory," Current Perspectives in Social
Theory, Vol. 9 (1989), 5-22.
"Resurrecting McLuhan? Jean Baudrillard and the
Academy of Postmodernism," in Communication for and against Democracy,
edited by Marc Raboy and Peter A Bruck (Montreal/New York: Black
Rose Books, 1989), 131-146.
"Herbert Marcuse," The Concise Encyclopedia
of Western Philosophy and Philosophers, edited by J.O. Urmson
and Jonathan Ree (London: Unwin Hyman, 1989), 191.
"Reading Images Critically: Toward a Postmodern
Pedagogy," Boston Journal of Education, Vol. 170, No. 3 (1989),
31-52; reprinted in Postmodernism, Feminism and Cultural Politics,
edited by Henry Giroux and Peter McLaren, (Albany, NY: SUNY Press
1991), 60-82.
"Kulturindustrie und Ideologiekritik," Tute,
special issue on Aesthetik und Politik am Ende des Industrieszeitalters.
Herbert Marcuse (Sept. 1989), 56-63.
"Body Invaders/Cronenberg/Panic Film"; Canadian
Journal of Social and Political Theory, Vol. 13, Nr. 3 (1989):
"Postmodernism as Social Theory: Some Problems
and Challenges," Theory, Culture & Society, Vol. 5, Nrs.
2-3 (June 1988), 240-269.
(with Steve Best) "(Re)Watching Television: Notes
Toward a Political Criticism," Diacritics, (Summer 1987),
"Platoon and Hollywood's Vietnam," Humanities
in Society (1988), ____.
(with Steve Best) "Watching Television: The Limitations
of Post-Modernism," Science as Culture 4 (1988), 44-70.
"Baudrillard, Semiurgy, and Death," Theory,
Culture and Society, Vol. IV, 1987, 125-146.
"Ernst Friedrich's Pacifistic Anarchism," Introduction
to War Against War (Seattle: The Real Comet Press, 1987),
"The Great American Dream Machine: The Ideological
Functions of Popular Culture in the United States," in Democracy
Upside-Down, edited by Fred Exoo (New York: Praeger, 1987),
Entries in the The Social Sciences Encyclopaedia
on "Herbert Marcuse," "Jurgen Habermas," and on "The Frankfurt School"
(London: Routledge, Kegan Paul, 1986), 311-313, 349-350, 483.
"Herbert Marcuse's Reconstruction of Marxism,"
in Herbert Marcuse: Critical Interpretations, Robert Pippin
and Andrew Feenberg, editors (Bergin Press, 1986); translated in
Mexican journal Prometeo, 1987.
"Public Access Television: Alternative Views,"
Radical Science Journal 16, Making Waves (London: 1985),
79-92. Other versions of this article have been published by Humanity
and Society (Winter 1985), and in Dollars & Traume (Berlin,
Fall 1985).
Introduction to new paperback edition, Herbert
Marcuse, Soviet Marxism (New York: Columbia University Press,
1985), vii-xviii.
"Critical Theory, Max Weber, and the Dialectics
of Domination," in Robert J. Antonio and Ronald M. Glassman, editors,
A Weber-Marx Dialogue (Lawrence : University Press of Kansas,
1985), 89-116.
Essays on Ernst Bloch, Karl Korsch, Wilhelm Worringer,
and Che Guevera for Thinkers of the Twentieth Century, edited
by George Walsh, et. al. (London and Chicago: St. James Press, 1985),
69-71, 225-226, 299-301, 628-629.
"Critical Theory, Mass Communications, and Popular
Culture," Telos 62 (Winter 1984/85), 196-206.
(with Flo Leibowitz and Michael Ryan) "BLADE
RUNNER--A Diagnostic Critique," Jump Cut (1984), 6-8.
"Authenticity and Heidegger's Challenge to Ethical
Theory," in Thinking About Being: Aspects of Heidegger's Thought,
edited by Robert W. Shahan and J.N. Mohanty (Norman: University
of Oklahoma Press, 1984), 159-176.
(with Robert Solomon): "Recent Literature on
Hegel and Marx," Modern Trends in Philosophey, Kasher and
Lappin, editors, (Tel-Aviv: Yachdav, 1983, and New Jersey: Humanities
Press, 1984):
"Critical Theory, Commodities, and the Consumer
Society," Theory, Culture, and Society, Vol. 1, No. 3 (1983),
pp. 66-84.
"Fear and Trembling in the Age of Reagan: Notes
on Poltergeist," Socialist Review, No. 54 (1983), 121-134.
Translated in Mexican journal Nexos.
"Spielberg's Ideology Machines: "Poltergeist
and the Suburban Middle Class," Jump Cut, No. 28 (1983),
"Science and Method in Marx's Capital," Radical
Science Journal 13 (1983), 39-54.
"Introduction to Ernst Bloch, 'The Dialectical
Method'", Man and World, 16 (1983), 281-284.
"Karl Korsch and Marxism," in Continuity and
Change in Marxism, edted by N. Georgopoulos, Humanities Press,
1982, pp. 232-247.
"Television Myth and Ritual," Praxis 6
(1982), 133-155.
"Kulturindustrie und Massenkommunikation. Die
Kritische Theorie und ihre Folgen," in Wolfgang Bonss and Axel Honneth,
editors, Sozialforschung als Kritik (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp,
1982), 482-514.
(with Rick Roderick) "Social Practice as Explanandum:
McCarthy on Habermas," Man and World 15 (1982) 141-170.
"Brecht's Marxist Aesthetic: The Korsch Connection,"
in Betty Weber and Herbert Heinin, editors, Bertolt Brecht: Political
theory and Literary Practice (Athens, Ga: University of Georgia
Press, 1981), 29-42.
"Network Television and American Society: Introduction
to a Critical Theory of Television," Theory and Society,
Vol. 10, Nr. 1 (Jan-Febr 1981), 31-62; reprinted in Mass Communication
Review Yearbook, Vol. 2, Sage Publications, 1982.
"Remarks on Alvin Gouldner's The Two Marxisms,"
Theory and Society, Vol. 10, No. 2 (March-April 1981, 265-277.
"A Bibliographical Note on Ideology and Cultural
Studies," Praxis 5, 1981, 84-88.
"Marxism, Morality, and Ideology," Canadian
Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume, VII, 1981, 93-120.
(with Rick Roderick) "Recent Literature on Critical
Theory," New German Critique 23, Spring/Summer 1981, 141-170.
"Television Research and the Fair Use of Media
Images," Fair Use and Free Inquiry: Copyright Law and the New
Media, edited by John Lawrence and Bernard Timberg. Norwood,
N.J.: Ablex Communications and Information Sciences Press, 1980,
92-108; second edition (revised version) 1989, 146-164.
"TV, Ideology and Emancipatory Popular Culture,"
Socialist Review 45 (May-June 1979), 13-53. Republished in
Technology and Human Affairs (Mosby 1981) and Television:
The Critical View (Oxford 1983); translated in Dollar und
Traume 3 (1983), 32-54.
"Toward Emancipatory Popular Culture and Media
Politics," Cultural Correspondence 9 (Spring 1979), 52-53.
"Critical Theory, Democracy, and Human Rights,"
New Political Science, Vol. 1, Nr. 1 (Spring 1979), 12-18.
"In Remembrance of Herbert Marcuse, 1898-1979,"
Socialist Review 47 (Sept-Oct 1979), 131-133.
"Television Socialization," Mass Media/Adult
Education 46 (Fall/Winter 1977-78), 3-20.
"Capitalism and Human Nature in Adam Smith and
Karl Marx," in Jesse Schwartz, ed, The Subtle Anatomy of Capitalism
(Santa Monica, Cal.: Goodyear Publishing Company, 1977), 66-86.
(with Harry O'Hara), "Utopia and Marxism in Ernst
Bloch," (New German Critique) 9 (Fall 1976), 11-34.
"Adorno's Social Theory," Radical Philosophers
Newsjournal 5 (Winter 1976), 40-43.
"The Latest Sartre: Reflections on On a raison
de se revolter," Telos 22 (Winter 1974-5), 188-201.
"The Frankfurt School Revisted: A Critique of
Martin Jay's The Dialectical Imagination," New German
Critique 4 (Winter 1974), 131-152.
"Introduction to Marcuse's 'On the Philosophical
Foundation of the Concept of Labor,'" Telos 16, Summer 1973,
2-8. [back]
C. Reviews
David Noble, The Religion of Technology.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. In New Political Science,
Vol. 21, Nr. 3 (1999): 421-431.
Albert Borgmann, Holding onto Reality. The
Nature of Information at the Turn of the Millennium. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1999. Reviewed in September 1999 in
RCCS (www.otal.umd.edu/~rccs/books/borgmann.html).
Paul Virilio, Open Sky (London: Verso,
1997 [1995]); Philosophy and Film, 1999 (electronic publication).
Andrew Feenberg, Alternative Modernity. The
Technical Turn in Philosophy and Social Theory and, editor,
Technology and the Politics of Knowledge, Philosophy in Review,
Volume XVIII, No. 2 (April 1998): 96-101.
David Trend, Cultural Democracy. Politics,
Media, New Technology, the review of Education/Pedagogy/Cultural
Studies, Vol. 20, Nr. 3 (1998): 281-290.
David Lyon and Elia Zureik, editors, Computers,
Surveillance and Privacy, Contemporary Sociology, 1997: 1123-1126.
Alaine Touraine, What is Democracy?, Contemporary
Sociology, 1998.
Wolfgang Fritz Haug, Philosophieren mit Brecht
und Gramsci, in Brecht Yearbook, 22 (1997): 493-496.
Deborah Cook, The Culture Industry Revisited,
Journal of Communication (Summer 1997): 145-148.
John B. Thompson, The Media and Modernity:
A Social Theory of the Media, Ethics, Vol 108, No 1 (October
1997), 236-237.
Rolf Wiggershaus, The Frankfurt School,
American Journal of Sociology, 100: 5 (March 1995), 1369-1371.
David Macey, The Lives of Michel Foucault,
In These Times, June 17, 1994, 18-19.
Hamid Mowlana, George Gerbner, and Herbert I.
Schiller, editors, Triumph of the Image, Armed Forces
and Society, 1994,
Peter Arnett, Dispatches from the Front,
Journalism Quarterly, 1994,
Jean Baudrillard, The Transparency of Evil:
Essays on Extreme Phenomena, The Journal of Aesthetics and
Art Criticism, 52: 4 (Fall 1994), 487-488.
Thomas McCarthy, Ideals and Illusions. On
Reconstruction and Deconstuction in Contemporary Critical Theory,The Journal of Modern History, Vol. 66, Number 1 (March 1994),
Bruce Cumings, War and Television, Bulletin
of Concerned Asian Scholars, Vol. 25, Nr. 2 (1993), 50-53.
Norman Schwarzkopf, It Doesn't Take A Hero.
Z Magazine (April 1993), 66-69.
Nancy Fraser, Unruly Discourses, Radical
Review of Books, Number 6, 1992, 9-16.
Jeffrey Goldfarb, The Cynical Society,
American Political Science Review, June 1992, 9572.
John Thompson, Ideology and Modern Culture,
American Journal of Sociology, 1991: 1184-1186.
Jurgen Habermas, The New Conservativism
and Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action, Contemporary
Sociology, 1991: 278-279.
Fred Alford, Melanie Klein and Critical Social
Theory, Ethics (1990):
Michael Reel, Super Media, Journalism
Quarterly (1990):
(with Steve Best), Paul Buhle, Marxism in
the United States, Theory, Culture & Society, Vol. VI
(1989), 476-481.
Michael Schrivener, Imaginary Relations,
Journal of Aesthetics (1989), 390-392.
Dag Osterberg, Metasociology, Sosiologi
Idag (1989):
Enrique Dussel, Philosophy of Liberation,
Theory, Culture, and Society, Vol. IV (1987), 735-744.
Henry Pachter, Socialism in History (New
York: Columbia University Press, 1984), New Political Science
14, 1986, 175-178.
Walter Adamson, Marx and the Disillusionment
of Marxism, Canadian Philosophical Review, 1986.
Helmut Dubiel, Theory and Politics, Theory
and Society, Vol. XV, Nr. 4 (1986), 621-627.
Peter Biskind, Seeing is Believing: How Hollywood
Taught Us to Quit Worrying About the Bomb and to Love the Fifties,
Socialist Review 82/83 (July-Oct. 1985), 175-184.