- Introduction
- Archaeology of the Postmodern
- The French Scene: From Structuralist to Postmodern Theory
- The Poststructuralist Critique
- The Postmodern Turn
- Critical Social Theory and the Postmodern Challenge
- Introduction
- Postmodern Perspectives and the Critique of Modernity
- Archaeology and Discontinuity
- Nietzsche and Genealogy
- Power/Knowledge/Subjectivity: Foucault's Postmodern Analytics
- Domination and Resistance: Foucault's Political Fragments
- Postmarxist/Postmodern Strategies: Politics of Genealogy
- Ethics and Technologies of the Self
- Foucauldian Perspectives: Some Critical Comments
Deleuze and Guattari: Schizos, Nomads, Rhizomes
- Introduction
- Deleuze's Nietzsche
- (Anti-Oedipus): Psychoanalysis, Capitalism, and Normalization
- Desire, Modernity, and Schizoanalysis
- The Micropolitics of Desire
- (A Thousand Plateaus) for the Postmodern!
- Critical Reservations: Bodies Without Politics
Baudrillard en Route to Postmodernity
- Introduction
- Exploring Modernity
- From Symbolic to Productivist Society
- Symbolic Exchange, Micropolitics, and Cultural Revolution
- From Modernity to Postmodernity
- The Holy Trinity: Simulations, Implosion, and Hyperreality
- Baudrillard vs. Foucault
- Postmodernity, Metaphysics, and Postpolitics
- Metaphysical Turn: Baudrillard in the 1980s
- The End of History
- Aporia and Blindspots
Lyotard and Postmodern Gaming
- Introduction
- Drifting Along with Marx, Freud, and Nietzsche: Early Writings
- Discourse/Figure
- Lyotard's Nietzschean Drift: Libidinal Economy and the Politics of
- Paganism, Gaming, and the Postmodern Turn
- The Postmodern Condition
- Between Kant and the Postmodern:(The Differend)
- Postmodern Aporia
- Language Games, Consensus, and the Fetishism of Difference
- The Sociological and Political Deficit
Marxism, Feminism, and Political Postmodernism
- Introduction
- Jameson's Postmodern Marxism
- Postmodernism as the Cultural Logic of Capital
- Cognitive Mapping and Cultural Politics
- Laclau/Mouffe: Toward a Postmodern Politics
- Hegemony and the Marxist Tradition
- Socialism, Radical Democracy, and Discourse Struggle
- Beyond Marxism: The Limits of Discourse Theory
- Postmodern Feminism and the Politics of Identity and Difference
Critical Theory and Postmodern Theory
- Introduction
- Critical Theory and Modernity
- Adorno's Proto-Postmodern Theory
- Habermas and Modernity
- Modernity as Unfinished Project
- Habermas vs. Postmodern Theory
- Sibling Rivalries: The Habermas/Lyotard Debate
Toward the Reconstruction of Critical Social Theory
- Introduction
- Toward a Multidimensional and Multiperspectival Critical Theory
- Postmodernity, Postindustrial Society, and the Dialectics of Continuity
and Discontinuity
- Postmodern Politics: Subjectivity, Discourse, and Aestheticism
- Social Theory, Culture, and Politics: Conflicting Models
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Douglas Kellner's
Initial page design by Elissa Fineman, Robert Prentiss, and Sandy Bootz