Welcome to my website.
Since 1986 I have been a faculty member at UCLA where my teaching areas include international and comparative librarianship, information and reference services, and historical methodology. In addition I teach a doctoral seminar on information institutions and professions and previously I taught our introductory course on information in society. For three years I also taught an undergraduate Women Studies' course on women in the professions. My research interests focus on gender issues and library history, often from an international or comparative perspective. |
After taking my BA degree in with high honors in history from the University of Illinois in Urbana, I earned my MLS and doctoral degrees from Columbia University in New York. My first book, Libraries in Senegal (Chicago, American Library Association, 1981) was based on my doctoral research in West Africa. Since then I have had the opportunity to lecture and consult in fourteen countries in Africa. I have also lectured in Canada, Germany and France. In 1982-83 I was named Fulbright lecturer at the French National Graduate Library School (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Bibliothèques. Since then I have continued my research in comparative studies and am now working on a history of American books in France from World War I through the end of the Cold War. |
I am also working on a comparative study of the first generation of women librarians in France, Britain and the United States. My work on gender issues includes a monograph entitled Aspirations and Mentoring in an Academic Environment which I co-authored with Joanne Passet. I have also authored numerous articles and biographical studies on women in librarianship.
I am a members of ALA, CLA, ALISE and SHARP. At UCLA I have for many years chaired the departmental curriculum committee, and I serve as P. I. on the state grant that supports the California Center for the Book. |
This website designed by Jenna Hartel (website) with Mary Niles Maack
All Rights Reserved. Comments and questions to: mnmaack@ucla.edu
Last updated April 2005