to my home page...

In April 2013, I was promoted to
emeritus status having served the UCLA community for more than thirty-five
years as a professor of information studies, chair of graduate council as
well as privilege and tenure, and as associate dean in Graduate Division
(Fall 2002-Summer 2007).
In some demand as an international
consultant on developing information economies, I continue this work abroad
having traveled to Eritrea,
Russia (10 times since 1996;
Fulbright Scholar, 2001), Tanzania (2010), Turkmenistan
(an unprecedented 6 times including as a Fulbright Scholar in 2012), Uganda
and Zambia.
In retirement since 2013, I have
developed further my specialty in family history, having taught an
"Introduction to Genealogical Information Resources" and
"Government Information." I write and publish in that area—see my
latest book here
which won the OGS’s 2021
Harrison Award. In addition, I give popular talks to local
chapters of the DAR, SAR, and the Seaside Highland Games on DNA testing
Updated: 14 October 2021. Created:
March 1995.
Contact Information
204 GSE&IS Building
Box 951250
300 Charles E. Young Drive North
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1520
Email: jrichard (at) ucla.edu
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