General Catalogs and Indexes to U.S. Government Publications, 1774 - 2008
Personal or Corporate Author and Title 1770 1790 1810 1880 1890 1900 1930 1940 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
  (with Links to or About Sources)
1 Benjamin P. Poore, A Descriptive Catalogue 1774-     -1881
2 A. W. Greeley, Public Documents of the First 14 Congresses 1789- -1817
3 Tables of and Annotated Index to the Congressional Series 1817-   -1893
4 US GPO, SuDoc, (1909) Checklist 1789-       -1901
(searchable checklist)          
5 John G. Ames, Comprehensive Index 1881- -1893
6 US GPO, Su Doc, Document Catalog 1893-     -1940
7 US GPO, SuDoc, Document Index 1895-   -1933
8 US GPO, SuDoc, Numerical Lists and Schedule of Volumes 1933-       -1980
9 US GPO, SuDoc, Price Lists/U.S. Government Subscriptions (aka Price List 36) 1893-               -date
10 US GPO, SuDoc, Subject Bibliographies 1975-     -date
11 John H. Hickcox, Monthly Catalog 1885- -1894
12 US GPO, SuDoc, (Monthly) Catalog of US Government Publications 1895-               -date
13 CCH, Congressional Index 1937-           -date
14 Congressional Information Service/Index to Publications of the US Congress 1970-     -date
15 CIS, U.S. Serial Set Index 1789-               -1969
16 CIS, American Statistics Index 1973-     -date
17 NTIS, Government Reports Announcement & Index 1946-         -date
18 ERIC, Resouces in Education 1972-     -date
19 Infodata, Index to US Government Periodicals 1970- -1987
20 CIS, U.S. Government Periodicals Index 1993- -date
21 US Government Services Agency, FirstGov 2000-
22 US GSA, Consumer Information Catalog 1970s-     -date
23 US GPO, GPO Access (including MoCat, SB, and Sales Product Catalog) 1994- -date
SOURCE:  Dr. John V. Richardson, UCLA DIS 455 "Government Information" Spring 2010

(expanding upon Dr. Wiley J. Williams' Vanderbilt University's Government Publications course handouts)


Su Doc Numbers: