Key to Common Abbreviations in the Passage of Congressional Bills

UCLA DIS 455 “Government Information”



CC: Sent to Conference Committee

CCR: Conference Committee Report

CR: Committee Report

IH: Introduced in the House

IS: Introduced in the Senate

EAS: Engrossed Senate Amendment

EH: Engrossed in the House

ES: Engrossed in the Senate

PCH: Placed on Calendar House

PCS: Placed on Calendar Senate

PH: Passed full House

PL: Public Law

PS: Passed full Senate

PP: Public Print

RFH: Referred in House

RFS: Referred in Senate

RH: Reported to the House (passed out of committee)

RS: Reported to the Senate (passed out of committee)

SP: Sent to the President


SOURCE:  “Bills and Public Laws” at (accessed 3 December 2007).