A.   Field Work (e.g., local archive, bookstore, campus library or museum, or any place information needs occur) --see in-class handout (mailed as an attachment)


B.     Key Reading: Mildred L. Patten, “Appendix E: Campus Bookstore Evaluation,” In Questionnaire Research: A Practical Guide, 2nd ed. (Los Angeles: Pyrczak Publishing, 2001).


C.     McKechnie, Lynne, Dixon, Christopher, Miller, Laura and Rothbauer, Paulette. Latte grande, no sprinkles: An observational study of customer behaviour at big box bookstores. College Park, MD: Library Research Seminar II, 2-3 November 2001.


D.     Labaree, Robert V. "Encounters with the Library: Understanding Experience Using the Life History Method," Library Trends 55 (Summer 2006): 121-139.


E.     Suarez, Doug, "What Students Do When They Study in the Library: Using Ethnographic Methods to Observe Student Behavior," Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship 8 (no.3, 2007): online.


Updated: 25 October 2011