DIS 19, Fiat Lux: "Don’t Just Google It":
What It Really Is and When It's Appropriate

(as well as issues of Identity and Privacy)


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I. Google's History and Founders' Background

a. Brief History of the Internet and WWW and Google

i. DARPA, the Internet, and UCLA's Vinton G. Cerf (interview; in addition, be sure to read about TCP/IP and routing tables)

a) 88% of Americans have high-speed internet at home in 2017 (Pew Research Center)

b) 95% of Americans own a cellphone; 77% use smartphones in 2017 (Pew Research Center)

ii. Tim Berner-Lee, inventor of the internet, at https://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/

iii. Hyper Text Mark Up Language (XHTML2) at http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/

iv. September 1997, Stanford's BackRub is renamed by Sergey Brin (married in May 2007—separated August 2013 and divorced May 2015; plus Anne Wojcicki's company, called 23andme) and Lawrence Page.

v. S. Brin and L. Page, "The Anatomy of a Large-scale Hypertextual Search Engine" (1998) at http://infolab.stanford.edu/~backrub/google.html

vi. Googlebot, a web crawler or spider and the robots exclusion standard/protocol at http://www.robotstxt.org/wc/exclusion.html

vii. Google’s official blog at http://googleblog.blogspot.com/ (last update on 1 November 2016)

viii. Key Advances: Local Connectivity Analysis, Fritz, Personalized Results, Bigdaddy, Universal Search, and Real-time Search

b. Disintermediation at http://polaris.gseis.ucla.edu/jrichardson/image002.gif

c. Principles of Bounded Rationality, Least Effort and Satisficing

d. Evaluative Criteria of Search Effectiveness

i. Popularity (top 500 sites at http://www.alexa.com/topsites) and age of pages

ii. Relevance, Precision, and Recall at http://www.hsl.creighton.edu/hsl/Searching/Recall-Precision.html

iii. Quality based on title tags, ranking of citations or backlinks (link:address) analysis and .85 damping factor, anchor text, proximity, capitalization, and font size

iv. Role of Metadata at http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/global.html

v. Improving Search Results (with the use of techniques such as quotation marks, or *, or - , or filetype:ppt, or site:edu)

vi. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Techniques; see SEOChat.com and SEO 101

II.  Google’s New Owner, Alphabet

a.    Alphabet, a new holding company (August 2015) and “What Does This All Mean

b.    Includes Calico, CapitalG, DeepMind Technologies, Google Fiber, GV, Life Sciences, Nest, Ventures and Capital, Xlab (see wikipedia article)

c.     Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman and author resigns to become technical adviser (December 2017)

Assignment 1 (Due Next Session): Think of a topic, search it, and discuss the search results, using the criteria we have discussed and explain the rank ordered results in terms of the likely search algorithm (be sure to emphasize the why rather than what you found as a result of the search—why are the items in the order they are in? Be sure to list and discuss at least five factors which might account for this ordering); or, write your own thoughts about the role of Google in your life. One page limit for text; references can go onto the second page.


Revised, 23 January 2018; created: 30 August 2006.