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A. The Big Idea and the Search for “Knowledge:” Certainty and Uncertainty

B. Literature Reviews

C. Grant Proposal Writing and Inquiry Methodology (“Grant Getting”)

D. Responsible Conduct of Research (1995) and Commission on Research Integrity (1995)

1.  UCLA’s IRB and Certification in the Protection of Human Subjects

2. ALA Professional Ethics (2008)

3. ASA’s Code of Conduct (Privacy, Confidentiality, and Data Security)

4. Academic dishonesty--(APA Statement on Authorship credit and authorship order on faculty-student collaborations, fabrication, financial disclosure, misconduct, misrepresentation, and AHA’s 9-point Statement on Standards of Professional Conduct) and Conflicts of Interest

D. Call for Papers; Conference Presentation and Proceedings (Preprints)

E. The Scholarly or Research Journal Article (“Getting into Print”)

1.  Submission Process:

a) Audience Selection

b) Manuscript Characteristics including Readability

c) Issues of House Style and

d) Multiple Submissions

2. Reviewing Process: Confidentiality; Single versus Double Blind Peer Reviewing

F. Key Concepts: Problems versus Topics; Ethical Conduct, RCR, Single versus Double Blind Reviewing, Refereed versus Invited Papers

G. Key and Classic Readings:

1.      Waples, Douglas.  Investigating Library Problems (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1939).

2.      Borgman, Christine L. Scholarship in the Digital Age: Information, Infrastructure, and the Internet (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2007).

3.      Cronin, Blaise and McKenzie, Gail, "The Trajectory of Rejection," Journal of Documentation 48 (no. 3, 1992): 310-317.

4.      Rebekah Nathan, "Afterword: Ethics and Ethnography," In My Freshman Year: What a Professor Learned By Becoming A Student (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2005).

5.      Richardson, John V., Jr. and Charles E. Meier, Scholarly Journal Decision Making: A Graphic Representation, Library Quarterly 68 (1998): v -viii. (Illustration)

6.      Richardson, John V., Jr. The Spirit of Inquiry: The GLS at Chicago, 1921-1951 (Chicago: ALA, 1982), p. 121-29. (guide to papers)

7.      Willis, Cecil L. and Bobys, Richard S., "Gatekeeper’s Response: A Rejoinder," Wisconsin Sociologist 20 (no. 4, 1983): 84-91.


Updated and link checked: 7 January 2014.