Figure 1. Anchor and Intervals?


A. Student Lead Seminar on Ethnographic Research

B. Personal Interviews

          1. Therapeutic (or, quasi)

          2. Informational

C.  Questionnaires (aka surveys)

          1. Construction Process

2. Cover Letters

          3. Improving Questionnaire Return Rates (non-response rates)

                    a. Postal distribution

                    b. Electronic mail distribution

D. Key Concepts: memory (registration/encoding, retention, and recall); research, rapport, restraint, retreat, review; open versus closed ended questions; leading versus premise questions; probing questions; standardized versus unstandardized questions); (verbatim) recording or coding

E. Key, Classic Readings:

1.      Robert Menninger, “Some Psychological Factors Involved in Oral History Interviewing,” Oral History Review 3 (1975): 68-75.

2.      Dale R. Potter; Sharpe, Kathryn M.; Hendee, John C.; and Clark, Roger N.  Questionnaires for Research; an Annotated Bibliography on Design, Construction, and Use.  Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, 1972.

3.  John C. Goyder, “Further Evidence on Factors Affecting Response Rates to Mailed Questionnaires,” American Sociological Review 47 (no. 4, August 1982): 550-553.



Updated: 4 February 2013.