During the development of this research project, I have enjoyed the support and encouragement of many individuals at OCLC including:

Dr. Terry R. Noreault, Director, Research and Special Projects;
Dr. Keith E. Shafer, Senior Research Scientist, my esteemed consultation monitor;
Dr. Bradley C. Watson, Consulting Systems Analyst, for showing me how to do what I wanted to do;
Mr. Patrick McClain, Systems Analyst, especially for the C programming to convert the OCLC records to HTML format;
Mr. Vincent Tkac, Senior Programmer/Analyst, especially for the Perl program to implement the collection development routine;
Ms. Susanne Krouse, Administrative Coordinator;and last, but not least,
the Help Desk folks including Kevin Ball and Bruce Goll.

John V. Richardson
Last modified: Fri Dec 6 13:58:29 EST