OCLC Government Information Module, Version 0.50

What do you want to know more about?

when you are finished or if you make a serious typing error.
The purpose of this module is to answer your government information question using more than 40 reference sources. First, the module will ask you to record your question. Then, you will be asked to answer a few questions about your subject which will lead to: (1) the single, best reference source, regardless of language which contains the answer to your question along with the nearest library location or (2) the actual answer.

Please type your question inside the box below by moving your mouse and clicking inside the box. For example, "I want to know about a particular bill in Congress?" Now, press the box marked "Submit Query" or "Reset" if you make a serious typing error.

Copyright © 1998 by John V. Richardson Jr., UCLA Associate Professor

Click for a list of acknowledgments.
John V. Richardson
Last modified: Mon Apr 7 13:50:45 EDT