Richardson’s ABC Model Explaining

Attrition/Completion Rates of Graduate Students

Updated: 10 November 2010


Given the concern about increasing time to degree as well as non-completion rates,

it might be useful to reflect on the affective, behavior, and cognitive components of

attribution or completion rates among graduate students.

Here's what an analytical review of the literature suggests:


DV                         IV1 + IV2 + IV3 +  where


DV = Attrition/Completion


IV1 = affective variables:



Operationalized as:   (Source)



Ambiguity, Tolerance of

(Bowen & Rudenstine, 1992)

Attitude, Personal

(Green, 1997)

Caring Adviser

(Ferrer de Valero, 2001)

Commitment to Program

(Bowen & Rudenstine, 1992)

Community, Sense of

(Lovitts, 2001)

Connection to Adviser, Sense of

(Lovitts, 2001)


(Lovitts, 2001)

Inadequacy/Insecurity, Feelings of

(Baird, 1993; Lovitts, 2001)

Independence, Sense of

(Kluever, 1997)




(Lovitts, 2001)

Isolation/Integration, Sense of

Individualized instruction or non-cohort programs (Baird, 1991, 1997; Solórzano, 1993; Lovitts, 2001)

Motivation, Strength of



(Green, 1997)


(Bowen & Rudenstine, 1992)

Personality (Style)

MBTI (in general, Green, 1997)


(Ferrer de Valero, 2001)


(Green, 1997)

Responsibility, Personal

(Kluever, 1997)

Role Conflict

(Anderson & Swazey, 1998)

Satisfaction (with interactions)

(Lovitts, 2001)

Stress, Feelings of

(Goplerud, 1980)


IV2 = behavioral variables:



Operationalized as:   (Source)



Academic Preparation

GPA (Lovitts, 2001)

Adviser, Selection Process

Presence/Absence; Assigned/Selected; Early/Late (Lovitts, 2001)

Adviser, Friendly and Respectful

(Anderson, 1996)

Acceptance of Faculty Direction

(Baird, 1993)

Demanding Program

(Tinto, 1993)

Finances/Financial aid

Loans (Nerad & Cerny, 1993); Dollars Received: Assistantship or Fellowship (Smallwood, 2004)


Presence/Absence (Baird, 1993)


Presence or Absence


(Baird, 1991, 1993)

Interactions, Social (with adviser, peers, and family)

Quantity and Quality; Collabor-ativeness (Baird, 1993; Nerad & Cerny, 1993; Tinto, 1993; Golde, 2000; Lovitts, 2001)


Attendance or not



Research productivity

Number of articles, etc.


Attendance or not



IV3  = cognitive variables:



Operationalized as:   (Source)



Departmental Culture

Pressure & expectation (Baird, 1991); environment (Nerad & Cerny, 1993)

Disciplinary Culture

(Bowen & Rudenstine, 1992)

Expectations, Knowledge of

(Bowen & Rudenstine, 1992)

Fit, Adviser-Advisee

Research expertise and interest (Golde & Dore, 2001; Lovitts, 2001)


Mentoring, Journals subscribed (Lovitts, 2001)

Value Systems

(Bowen & Rudenstine, 1992)



PLUS INSTITITIONAL VARIABLES: Accountability (i.e., recruitment allocation correlating with retention rates, mentoring programs attended (Nyquist, 2002); facilities (Nerad & Cerny, 1993); salary, promotion and tenure decisions (Bowen & Rudenstine, 1992; Lipschutz, 1993).



SOURCES:  The ABC Model was originally inspired by sessions held during the Council of Graduate School’s Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 3-6 December 2003; Claudia Mitchell-Kernan’s presentation to UCLA’s Graduate Council, 21 January 2005; and “To the Editor,” Chronicle of Higher Education, 20 February 2004, B4. More recently, CGS and ETS have produced a 2010 study entitled "The Path Forward."


For the many additional concepts and all of the sources, see chapter 2, “Literature and Theory,” in Ellen Bara Stolzenberg, “The Dynamics of the Doctoral Student-Faculty Advising Relationship: A Study Across Academic Disciplines,” UCLA Doctoral Dissertation Proposal, 11 April 2005.



Revised: 10 November 2010.