This site explains the powers of the judicial branch (including constitutional, civil, administrative and criminal courts) as laid out by the Russian Constitution.
The Russian Parlament consists of two chambers
The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. ( This extensive web site contains information about the organizational structure of the Supreme court and the full text of many laws related to the establishment and functions of the Supreme court.
In addition, the site contains information about the functions of the militatry courts in Russia and includes the full text of laws related to the military courts as well as some historical documents describing the functions of military courts. This site can be searched by keywords.
Supreme Arbitration Court. ( This site contains information about the organizational structure of arbitration courts and the full text of laws related to arbitration courts.
The "News" section contains full text of press releases which describe recent developments in the arbitration courts, as well as real audio speeches of the Director of the Supreme Arbitration Court, V. Jakovlev. Selected English translation is also available.
Information about the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is available through the National News Service ( The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation (
This site describes the functions of the Constitutional Court, contains full text of the directives as well as biographies and personal opinions of the judges.
Additional information about the Constitutional Court can be found in the electronic version of a the Handbook of the Constitutional Court of Russia written by M. Balutenko, G. Belonuchkin and K. Katanjan
( This handbook describes the organizational structure of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, contains historical information, a directory and the biographies of judges. It also includes bibliography.
This site is maintained by Anastasia Mayberry, a graduate student at the School of Library and Information Science, Kent State University. E-mail your comments and suggestions to
Last revised July 12, 1999.