National Assembly: The Russian Parliament |
The Russian Parliament consists of two chambers: the Federation Council and the State Duma. This webpage contains information concerning the duties and structure of the two chambers, as laid out in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
- Contains the following links:
- General Information (http://www.council.gov.ru/common.htm).
This page describes the most important stages in the development of representative goverment in Russia and the founding of the Federation Council and
explains the constitutional bases, powers, rules and regulations of the Federation Council.
- Membership and Organizational structure of the Federation Council (http://www.council.gov.ru/sostav/s_s.htm).
This page contains information about the leadership of the Federation Council. It also lists members of the committees and commissions and their contact numbers. In addition, it includes an alphabethical list of all members and their brief biographies.
- Legislative Activities of the Federation Council (http://www.council.gov.ru/zd/zd.htm).
This page gives information about the agenda of the Federation Council and contains a list of the bills ratified by the Federation Council for the period 1996-1999.
- Press Releases (http://www.council.gov.ru/inf_sl/inf_sl.htm).
This page contains bibliographic information about the documents produced by the Informational-Analytical Service of the Federation Council for the period 1996-1999. A variety of topics is covered (e.g. reasons for and results of the financial crisis, issues in education, financial policy, etc.). The full text of these documents can be downloaded from the WWW. Includes bibliography.
In addition, the website contains documents produced by Media Services of the Federation Council, which includes an overview of the major press for 1997-1999 and strategic information for 1997-1998.
- The Saint Petersburg Economic Forum (http://www.council.gov.ru/pef/pef.htm).
English translation is available . The purpose of the Economic Forum is to negotiate ways for economic cooperation between Russia and the members of the Commonwealth of Independent States
- Foundation for the Development of Parliamentarism in Russia. (http://www.duma.gov.ru/Found/).
English translation is available . "The Foundation is a non-governmental and not-for-profit organization, cooperating with all political parties and movements represented in the Russian parlament."
- Contains the following links:
This site is maintained by Anastasia Mayberry, a graduate student at the
School of Library and Information Science Kent State University.
E-mail your comments and suggestions to mayberry@frognet.net
Last revised July 12, 1999.