This page lists the various administrative offices of the President.
Some of the offices are just listed and some are linked to the related web sites. Presented below are the descriptions of the web pages to which links are provided.
Presidential Protocol. ( This page contains information about the state symbols of the Russian Federation (flag and coat of arms), Presidential protocol (its practice and organizational structure), and Presidential visits to foreign lands.
Presidential Media Services. ( This page explains the the organizational structure of the Presidential Media Services and its functions, contains full-text press releases and transcripts of Presidential media briefings.
President's Committee on Domestic Issues ( This page explains how the President's Committee on Domestic Isssues was founded, its regulatory bases and activities.
Contains links to the following subcommittees (some pages are under construction):
Presidential Committee for Information and Documentation. Library of the Presidential Administration. ( This page contains information about the collection and the mission of the library and lists contact information and hours of operation.
The library also publishes a monthly informational bulletin "Issues on Russian Renewal: Overview of the Russian Press" , which includes an online bibliography.
Organizational Committee of the Presidential Administration. ( The Organizational Committee is primarily responsible for planning, organizing and implementing celebrations of national holidays, conferences and ceremonial assemblies.
The webpage explains the organizational structure of the committee, lists names and contact numbers of the committee's leaders, and contains a list of planned activities and celebrations for 1999.
This site is maintained by Anastasia Mayberry, a graduate student at the School of Library and Information Science, Kent State University. E-mail your comments and suggestions to
Last revised July 12, 1999.