What Makes a Good Mentor?
A cursory review of the literature suggests a variety of answers such as “A satisfied mentee.” “A strong sense of self”; “a good listener”; someone “offering support, encouragement and listening”; “a person who is willing to share of themselves;” “mentors try to unite the head and the heart”; “shares knowledge and wisdom and draws out the possibilities;” “it's vision, voice and vocation - building a relationship;” or “someone who can offer advice to me on issues besides academic matters.”
However, I have found one of the best summaries:
Many people feel that being a mentor requires special skills, but mentors are simply people who have the qualities of good role models.
Mentors listen. |
They maintain eye contact and give mentees their full attention.
Mentors guide. |
Mentors are there to help their mentees find life direction, never to push them.
Mentors are practical. |
They give insights about keeping on task and setting goals and priorities.
Mentors educate. |
Mentors educate about life and their own careers.
Mentors provide insight. |
Mentors use their personal experience to help their mentees avoid mistakes and learn from good decisions.
Mentors are accessible. |
Mentors are available as a resource and a sounding board.
Mentors criticize constructively. |
When necessary, mentors point out areas that need improvement, always focusing on the mentee’s behavior, never his/her character.
Mentors are supportive. |
No matter how painful the mentee’s experience, mentors continue to encourage them to learn and improve.
Mentors are specific. |
Mentors give specific advice on what was done well or could be corrected, what was achieved and the benefits of various actions.
Mentors care. |
Mentors care about their mentees’ progress in school and career planning, as well as their personal development.
Mentors succeed. |
Mentors not only are successful themselves, but they also foster success in others.
Mentors are admirable. |
Mentors are usually well respected in their organizations and in the community.
Courtesy: The Connecticut Mentoring Partnership and the Business and Legal Reports, Inc. — Best Practices in Human Resources, Issue 653, September 30, 1999.
Compiled: Dr. John V. Richardson Jr., Associate Dean, UCLA Graduate Division, August 2005.