Dr. John V. Richardson's 39 MLIS/PhD Students

Whose UCLA Course Papers Have Been Published

or Presented at National Conferences



Class of 2012


39.  Solorzano, Ronald.  Adding Value at the Desk: How Technology and User Expectations Are Changing Reference Work.,” The Reference Librarian (in press).  (DIS 245 “Information Access” class paper).


Class of 2008


38.  Butler, Walter. “Re-establishing Memory: Memory's Functions and the Reference Librarian,” Reference Services Review 36 (No. 1, 2008): 97-110. (DIS 245 “Information Access” class paper)


Class of 2007


37.  Beygianian, Nancy.  E-Government in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Reaching Out to the World?” With John Richardson.  IFLA Journal 34 (No. 1, March 2008): 20-33. (DIS 455 “Government Information” class paper)


Class of 2005


36. Gaidos, Katherine. “Access to Vice-Presidential Records in the Aftermath of Executive Order 13,233: From Haphazard Past to Uncertain Future,  Government Information Quarterly 23 (2006): 2-28.  (DIS 455 “Government Information” class paper).


Class of 2004


35. Pyati, Ajit K. “Limited English Proficency (LEP) Users and the Need for Improved Reference Service.Reference Services Review 31 (no. 4, 2003): 264-271. (DIS 245 “Information Access” class paper)


Class of 2003


34. Sezzi, Peter.  Personal versus Private: A Bibliographic Exploration of Access, Ownership, and Control of Presidential Papers, Records, and Documents.  Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2005.  (DIS 455 “Government Information” paper).


Class of 2002


33. Trosow, Sam.  “Standpoint Epistemology,” Library Quarterly 71 (July 2001): 360-382.  DIS 596 “Individual Directed Study.”


Class of 2001


32. Wardell, Liza. ““Information-Seeking Behavior Research: Qualitative Methods Used Within Three Distinct Approaches, the Cognitive, the Behavioral, and the Affective.”  Library Research Round Table, ALA Annual Conference, Chicago, 2000. (DIS 596 “Individual Directed Study)


31.  Lutzky, Jennifer.  “Reference Service to Children in Public Libraries: Five Models” Library Research Round Table, ALA Annual Conference, Chicago, 2000. (DLIS 220 "Information Access")


Class of 1999


30. Clark, Kellie D. “Edith Guerrier: 'A Little [Warrior] Woman of New England, 1870-1958,”  Journal of Government Information 29 (January 2001): 267-283.



Class of 1994


29.  Saxton, Matthew.  "Meta-Analysis of Reference Accuracy Studies,"  Library Quarterly 67 (July 1997): 267-289.  (GSLIS 290, "Research Methodology, Spring 1994).


28.  Moore, Debra.  "Analysis of Library  Holdings of Gay and Lesbian Literature," Library Quarterly, accepted with minor editing. (GSLIS 596, "Individual Directed Study," Winter 1993 term paper.


27.   Reyes, Rex and Richardson, John.  "Expert Systems for Government Information: An Quantitative Evaluation," College and Research Libraries 56 (May 1995): 235-248.  (GSLIS 596 "Individual Directed Study" Winter 1993 term paper).


Class of 1993


26.  Harmeyer, David.  "Potential Collection Development Bias: Some Evidence on a Controversial Topic in California," College and Research Libraries 56 (March 1995):101-111. (GSLIS 596 "Individual Directed Study" Fall 1993 term paper).


25.  Grabler, Susan.  "Documents Librarianship: An Historical Analysis," Journal of Government Information 22 (January/February 1995): 45-69 (GSLIS 473 "Government Information" Fall 1992 term paper).


24.  Stimson, Nancy and Nobaga, Wendy.  "John G. Hickcox and the Monthly Catalog of U.S. Government Publications," Journal of Government Information 22 (September/October 1995): 403-412. (GSLIS 473 "Government Information" term paper).


Class of 1992


23. Biscardi, Francine.  "Historical Analysis of Laws Concerning Judicial Report Publications," Law Library Journal 85 (Summer 1993): 531-544. (GSLIS 473 "Government Information" Fall 1991 term paper)


22. Jansen, Lloyd.  "Welcome or Not, Here They Come: Unaffiliated Users of Academic Libraries," Reference Services Review 21 (Spring 1993): 7-14. (GSLIS 421 "Information Resources and Services II" Winter 1991 term paper)


21. Smith, Ted. "Measuring the Effects of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget's Circular A-130: A Case Study" Journal of Government Information 21 (1994): 391-402. (GSLIS 473 "Government Information" Fall 1991 term paper)


20. Zarnosky, Maggie R. "Knowledge Served on a Silver Platter: Planning and Paying for CD-ROMS," RQ 32 (Fall 1992): 75-84. (GSLIS 421 "Information Resources and Services II" Winter 1991 term paper)


Class of 1989


19. Henderson, Deborah; Martin, Patricia; Mayer, Lauren; and Monaster, Pamela. "Rules and Tools in Library Schools," Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 29 (Winter 1989): 226-227.  (GSLIS 420 "Information Resources and Services," Fall 1987.)


18. Henderson, Deborah; Martin, Patricia; Mayer, Lauren; and Monaster, Pamela.  "Criteria for the Selection of Microcomputer Based Expert System Shells," In Knowledge-based Systems for General Reference Work: Applications, Problems, and Progress, by John Richardson (San Diego, Academic Press, 1995).


17. Crews, Kenny. "The Accuracy of Reference Service: Variables for Research and Implementation," Library and Information Science Research 10 (July-September 1988): 331-355. (GSLIS 596, "Individual Directed Study," Spring 1987).


16. Landesman, Kayla. "Readex Microprint: An Historic Perspective," Government Publications Review 15 (September/October 1988): 463-469. (GSLIS 473 "Government Information" Fall 1987 term paper).


15. Rockwell, Ken.  "Privatization of U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Maps: A Survey," Government Publications Review 17 (1990): 199-212.  (GSLIS 473 "Government Information" Fall 1988 term paper).


Class of 1988


14. Gilmore, Matthew. "Increasing Access to Archival Records in Online Public Access Catalogs," Library Trends 36 (Winter 1988): 609-623.  (GSLIS 485 "American Manuscripts and Archives" Spring 1987 term paper)


13. Haner, Barbara. "Government Information as Recorded in Core Serials of the Geological Sciences," Government Publications Review 17 (1990): 341-355. (GSLIS 473 "Government Information" Fall 1987).


12. Kerze, Naomi, "Integrated vs. Separate: The Disappearing Argument for the Organization of Government Depository  Collections," Government Publications Review 16 (1989): 439-446 (GSLIS 473 "Government Information" Fall 1987 term paper).


11. Sanchez, Lisa.  "Dissemination of United States Federal Government Information on CD-ROM: An Issues Primer," Government Publications Review 16 (March/April 1989): 133-144. (GSLIS 473 "Government Information" Fall 1987).


10. Serikaku, Laurie R.  "Oral History in Ethnic Communities: Widening the Focus".  Oral History Review 17 (Spring 1989): 71-87.  (GSLIS 485 "American Manuscripts and Archives" Spring 1987 term paper).


9. Stover, Mark.  "Confidentiality and Privacy in Reference Service," RQ 27 (Winter 1988): 240-244.  (GSLIS 420 "Information Resources and Services I" Fall 1986 term paper)


Class of 1987


8. Marmor, Max. "In Obscure Rebellion: The Collector Elmer Belt," Journal of Library History 22 (Fall 1987): 409-424.  (GSLIS 485 "American Manuscripts and Archives" Spring 1986 term paper)


7. Schwab, Jessica D., "National Security Restraints of the Federal Government on Academic Freedom and Scientific Communication in the United States," Government Publications Review 16 (1990): 17-48; reprinted in Bill Katz, ed. Library Lit 21: The Best of 1990 (Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1991).  Recipient, 1990 Bernard M. Fry Award for best article in Government Publications Review.  (GSLIS 473 "Government Information" Fall 1986 term paper.)


Class of 1986


6. Bell, Chris with John Richardson. "'Unselfish Work': John G. Ames and Public Document Reform, 1874-1895," Libraries and Culture 23 (Winter 1988): 152-171. (GSLIS 473 "Government Information" Fall 1985 term paper)


5. Cross, Barbara Marston with John Richardson. "The Education of Government Information Specialists," Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 29 (1989): 28-38. (MLS Specialization Paper).


Class of 1985


4. Springer, Michelle.  "The Congressional Record: "Substantially a Verbatim Report?," Government Publications Review 13 (May/June 1986): 371-378.  Recipient, 1986 Bernard M. Fry Award for the Outstanding Article of the Year (GSLIS 473 "Government Information" Fall 1984 term paper)


Class of 1984


3. Way, Kathy A.  "Measurement and Evaluation of Reference/ Information Service in Law School Depository Libraries: A Bibliography,"  Bethesda, Maryland: ERIC Document Reproduction Service ED 249 985, 1985 and "Quality Reference Service in Law School Depository Libraries: A Cause for Action" Government Publications Review 14 (1987): 207-219.  (GSLIS 473 "Government Information" Fall 1983 term paper)


Class of 1981


2. Steele, Vicki.  "The Italian Printing of Leonardo da Vinci's Treatise on Painting: 1723 or 1733?" Notiziario Vinciano 13 (Autumn 1980): 3-24. (GSLIS 261 "Analytical Bibliography" Winter 1980 paper)


Class of 1979


1. Frisch, Dennis, and Hall, Catherine M. with John Richardson. "Bibliographic Organization of the Federal Depository Collections," Government Publications Review 7 (December 1980): 463-480. (GSLIS 473 "Government Information" Fall 1978 term paper)


