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"...a valuable part of this book is devoted to establishing a paradigm for best reference practice....Another valuable contribution that this book makes to the development of reference praxis is the author's identification of over 1,500 inductive selection strategies using the twelve formats....commendably well-structured....impressively detailed index....well-written, develops logically, is clearly presented, and excellently produced....invaluable."
"a fascinating history and summary of research on reference work....lengthy bibliography and index."
"...a useful acquisition for students and scholars in library and information science. ...the best flowchart of reference work that this reviewer has encountered, and it has pedagogical usefulness. Chapters 6 and 7...are impressive accomplishments. [The book] gives a good overview of the field and serves as a supplement to basic texts in reference work....the author has made an important contribution to the ongoing process of developing information systems and services."
"We considered it a masterful statement of the progress and challenges facing the development of KBS as it applies to reference. It's quite readable and contains information that many people in the field will find interesting and exciting....A chapter on the future of KBS completes this thorough and thoughtful study. This book represents an important work in this field."
"this volume offers the academic practitioner a number of valuable tools...a good introduction to extremely well-annotated directory and review of extant KBS equally well-annotated list of expert system shells...his thirty-four plus element flowchart model for reference work is one of the most intriguing aspects of the book. The possible appeal of this book to librarians lacking knowledge about KBS or to managers seeking to provide service with increasingly diminished budgets is obvious."