The UCLA - St. Petersburg State Academy exchange agreement is one of more than 130 such exchange programs that UCLA has arranged with other leading educational institutitions abroad.
If you are interested in applying:
In the late fall of even numbered years (i.e., Fall 2004 for summer 2005), watch the Weekly Bulletin and the departmental list-server for deadline information.
The application material is simple: (a) a brief, two-page statement of purpose indicating why you are interested in going to Russia and the relevance of this program to your career goals, (b) evidence of elementary Russian fluency, and (c) a current resume.
In early January of the odd numbered year, the faculty sponsor and one or two other faculty will meet as that year's selection committee.
If you are selected you will represent UCLA for that summer term (i.e., roughly early July to late August). The program includes: (a) tuition waiver and a very modest Russian stipend, (b) free room and board in the student dormitory. You will be responsible for obtaining a passport, visa, airfare and any incidental expenses.
Please note that only those departmental graduate students who are in good academic standing will be selected to represent UCLA.
If you have questions, please get in touch with the Faculty Sponsor, Dr. John V. Richardson Jr.
Last update: 20 April 2004