OCLC Index Module, BETA Version .20
There have been
visitors to this page since 23 June 1997.
The purpose of this module is to answer your index question using more than 100 periodical database resources. First, the module will ask you to record your question. Then,
you will be asked to answer a series of, up to six, questions about your subject which will lead to the best index (i.e., reference database). Many of the recommendations are FirstSearch Databases. In some cases, you will be asked if you wish to connect
to the appropriate database.
Please type your question inside the box below by moving your mouse and clicking inside the box. For example, "I want current information on sexual harassment" Now, press the box marked "Submit Query" or "Reset" if you make a serious typing error.
Copyright © 1997 by John V. Richardson Jr., OCLC Visiting Distinguished Scholar
Click for a list of acknowledgments.
John V. Richardson
Last modified: Tue Jun 17 16:53:35 EDT 1997