Medieval Scribes, Tools, & Practices A collection of authentic medieval tools used in all aspects of the scribe's work. This collection, originally organized by Alan Cole, belongs to the Museum of Writing Research Collection, Institute of English Studies, University of London, and is housed in the Senate House Library.

Title Lead Inkwell

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Brief description Lead Inkwell. Of a more common shape that still continues in various forms to the present day. Mid/Late 15thC.

Physical description Dating from the late fourteenth, early fifteenth century, made of lead, produced by shaping a heated lead form. Its dimensions are: Height: 38mm. The diameter of the hole at the top is 37mm and the diameter of the base is 53mm.

Content description This was purchased from Jane Stewart of Grays Antiques, London. Provenance: River Thames at Blackfriars.

Contributor: Alan Cole

Contribution date: Winter 2014