How do we think a work into being? Now, in the past, and in accord with considerations of format as imprint, thought forms as training, ergonomics of composition, limits and extension of
human language, the tasks and charges to aesthetic activity, and the concepts and constructs of enunciative modalities and subjectivity? Working with exemplars from forty years of writing practice,
and recent papers on poetics, poeisis, and other topics, this talk weaves between process and idea to demonstrate poetic work in its performative and meta-critical dimensions.
Diagrammatic extraction of stochastic events from a travel experience; events understood as timeslices across space projected onto the sheet of paper; snapshots from a series of events. Letterpress, using various fonts to indicate narrative, meta-commentary, found language, and reported speech.
Pages from 26 '76
Work using the semantics of format, using the inventory of relations among elements of text and paratext, to create a work. Letterpress, 48 drawers of type, using each letter once and only once, to make a work that made sense and is an account of the socially mediated relations of the poetry scene, 1975 to 1977, in the Bay Area.
Pages from From A to Z
Typographic fugue in which each new element is integrated into every existing line and once introduced, continues throughout. Meant to proliferate meaning through multiple levels of reading.
Pages from Through Light and the Alphabet
Typographic scoring reinforces the difficulty of reading as both planes of reference and discourse are engaged with materiality.Page from The Word Made Flesh
Parallel texts interrupt each other so that the large, rewritten, history is broken by smaller lines of personal memory, which erupt into it, and then captions on images tell anecdotal tales filled with puns that reinforce the visual puns and associations.Page from The History of the/my Wor(l)d &nbap;
Work in which the single font of type is used sequentially and combinatorially to figure forth a text from finite constraints. No letters added or subtracted, and all are used in each iteration.Page from Prove Before Laying
Demonstration of the ways the figure of poetic composition emerges in relation to the ground of noise culture. Based on real events.Page from Stochastic Poetics
A study of the ways in which texts and paratexts work diagrammatically within the format of the page and across the book space.Pages from Diagrammatic Writing
For fully digitized versions of all of my artists' books up until 2008, see and also
Also, see Druckworks: Forty Years of Books and Projects available on Amazon; see Columbia College Center for Book and Paper