Letters of George Selwyn: A selection from the collection in the Museum of Writing (with annotations by collector Alan Cole)
Exhibit Contents:


1. From George, 1st Lord Lyttleton.

2. From Rev John ‘Orator’ Henley.

3. From Lord Leveson Gower.

4. From Madame A.C. Perronet.

5. From George James (‘Gilly’)Williams..

6. From J. Sargent.

7. From Lady Ossory.

8. From Madame La Marquise de Stainville.

9. From Charles Townshend, n.d..

10. From George Selwyn

11. From George Selwyn

12. From the Earl of Egremont

13. From Maria Gunning

14. From Monsieur Dunon

15. From Mr. Rogers

16. From Sir Charles Bunbury

17. From Lady Diana Spencer

18. From Lady Diana Spencer

19. From Maria Gunning

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Selwyn 11: Letter from George, 1st Lord Lyttleton

Here is the other of the only two letters or documents in the collection written or signed by Selwyn. This is a receipt, signed by Selwyn .

Notes: These are from the original records ordering the issue of the £40,000, worth around £2,750,000.00 today.

September 1739

Sept. 4.


Treasury Chambers.

150. Present: Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lord Sundon, Mr. Winnington.
Order for the issue to the Treasurer of the Ordnance out of funds anno 1739, of 40,000l. for services as in his memorial of this date.

Source: [Treasury Minute Book XXVIII. pp. 164—6; Letter Book XIX. p. 512.]
And CALENDAR OF 1789 . TABLE II. Warrants , Orders , Privy Seals , and Sign Manuals relating to the Payment of Money .1738 - 9 . John Harris, Paymaster 40,000 0 0 Imprest for the service of His Money Book of Works. Majesty’s works. XXXIX. p.346.

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The document reads:

"Received the 10th day of Aug.st 1776 from the Right Hon'le Earl of Hardwicke one of the four Tellers of the Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer the Sum of Three Hundred & ninety two pounds three Shillings & nine pence in further part of a Treasury Order bearing the date the 25th day of May 1775 for Forty Thousand Pounds for the Service of His Majesty's Works


G Selwyn

B. Foxcroft

£6893.5.11 and 3/4