Letters of George Selwyn: A selection from the collection in the Museum of Writing (with annotations by collector Alan Cole)
Exhibit Contents:


1. From George, 1st Lord Lyttleton.

2. From Rev John ‘Orator’ Henley.

3. From Lord Leveson Gower.

4. From Madame A.C. Perronet.

5. From George James (‘Gilly’)Williams..

6. From J. Sargent.

7. From Lady Ossory.

8. From Madame La Marquise de Stainville.

9. From Charles Townshend, n.d..

10. From George Selwyn

11. From George Selwyn

12. From the Earl of Egremont

13. From Maria Gunning

14. From Monsieur Dunon

15. From Mr. Rogers

16. From Sir Charles Bunbury

17. From Lady Diana Spencer

18. From Lady Diana Spencer

19. From Maria Gunning

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Selwyn 15: Letter from Mr.Roger

This is an odd one, as I can find no reference to any court-martial that interested Selwyn. I can only surmise that if the result had been a guilty verdict and the offender sentenced to death, Selwyn would have wanted to go to the execution.

I cannot find a reference to a Mr Rogers who would fit the bill as the writer. Samuel Rogers, the poet, would be the first to spring to mind, but nothing in the letter would match his work or concerns and the writing is not his. AC

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The letter reads:

“Mr Rogers Compliments to Mr Selwyn and sends him inclosed the Sum and Substance of the proceedings of the Court Martiale. If he dus ['sic] not go to New Market till tomorrow, he will endeavour to prepare a Copy of the Summing up which is very long. ”