The GLS and Pierce Butler



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The GLS and Pierce Butler



I still remember the excitement of reading Pierce Butler's Introduction to Library Science (1933) for the first time in my master's program and later, as a doctoral student at Indiana, realizing how profoundly the GLS faculty at Chicago had changed our discipline from a bibliographically oriented profession to one based on social science methodologies.

Butler initially supported a tripartite approach to creating a true library science (i.e., by basing our problems on methodologies from history, sociology, and psychology). Although at the end of his life, Butler had serious doubts about the reductive scientistic approach. Finally, I find much of social epistemology, as understood by Margaret Egan and Jesse Shera (LQ, 1952), to be a repackaging of Butler's thoughts and ideas about the dissemination of knowledge.

At Indiana, David Kaser, one of the finest men I know in our profession and now distinguished professor emeritus, served as my dissertation adviser (and also happened to be a line editor of it as well). For the Butler biography, I traveled to Chicago, England, and Germany with extramural funding from the Newberry Library (Short-term Summer Fellowship for Individual Research, 1982), the National Endowment for the Humanities (Travel to Collections Grant, 1984), and Beta Phi Mu's Harold Lancour Scholarship for Foreign Study in 1986.

In 1995, the University of Chicago Publications Board asked me to serve as editor of The Library Quarterly, which I did until 2003; now editor emeritus, I continued to serve as a member of LQ's editorial board until June 2008. Early archival material from 1931 to 1945 for the LQ can be found in the University of Chicago's Special Collections while later material from 1985 to 2003 can be found in UCLA's Special Collections (record number 4872189); my personal papers are in the YRL Special Collections Stacks as Collection 586; a finding aid is in progress.


I hope that some of the inspirational and aspirational aspects of the GLS come through in my own work:

"History of American Library Science: its Origins and Early Development," Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, edited by Mary N. Maack and Marcia Bates (Francis and Taylor, 2010) (full text).

"The Library Quarterly Covers, 1931 - date"

"Butler, Pierce (1884-1953)," In American National Biography, vol. 4, pp. 98-99. Edited by John A. Garraty. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. (full text)

The Gospel of Scholarship: Pierce Butler and A Critique of American Librarianship. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1992. xv, 350pp. (reviews)

"The Cover: The Wing Foundation Bookplate," Libraries and Culture; the Journal of Library History 26 (Fall 1991): 608-610. (full text)

"George Alan Works (1877-1957): "Seeking Neither Fame Nor Fortune," Journal of Library History 19 (Spring 1984): 298-304; reprint ed., Supplement to the Dictionary of American Library Biography (Littleton, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1990): 166-168.

"The Cover: The Newberry Library Bookplate by Eric Gill," with Kuang-pei Tu. Journal of Library History 22 (Winter 1987): 85-88. (full text)

"The Cover: Pierce and Ruth Butler's Bookplate," with Amy Greenwood. Journal of Library History 19 (Fall 1984): 541-544. (full text)

"Louis Round Wilson and American University Librarianship." In Leaders in American Academic Librarianship, pp. 372-399. Edited by Wayne A. Wiegand. Beta Phi Mu Chapbook, No. 16. Pittsburgh, PA: Beta Phi Mu, 1983.

The Spirit of Inquiry; the Graduate Library School at Chicago, 1921 - 1951. Foreword by Jesse H. Shera. ACRL Publications in Librarianship, No. 42. Chicago: American Library Association, 1982. xvi, 238pp. (reviews) (PhD dissertation, 1978)

"Douglas Waples: A Biographical Sketch," Journal of Library History 15 (Winter 1980): 76-83; reprint ed., Supplement to the Dictionary of American Library
(Littleton, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1990): 148-151.

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