- Employment - Teaching Areas - Research Areas
Honors, Awards, & Grants - Monographs and Chapters
Journal and Encyclopedia Articles - Reports, Audiovisual Publications
and Book Reviews
- Scholarly Papers and Addresses
Service and Professional Activities

Mary Niles Maack

Professor, University of California, Los Angeles
Graduate School of Education and Information Studies
300 Circle Drive North, Los Angeles, CA 90095 USA



Columbia University, School of Library Service; Doctor of Library Science, 1978; Master of Library Science, 1970

University of Illinois, Urbana Bachelor of Arts, 1968 (with High Honors and High Distinction in History)




Department   of Library and Information Science, UCLA, 1995- Professor ; 1986--1995, Associate Professor; 1990--1992, Associate Professor & Associate Dean; 1989--1990, Associate Professor & Assistant Dean

University of Minnesota, Minnesota Studies in International Development, 1984--1983, Faculty Mentor

Ecole Nationale Supérieure dee Bibliothèques, Villeurbanne, France; 1982--193, Fulbright Professor

University of Minnesota Library School, 1981--1985, Associate Professor; 1978--1981, Assistant Professor; 1975--1978, Instructor

New York Public Library, 1971-1972, The Schomburg Collection,1970-1971; The Branch Libraries (Bronx)



  • Information Access                                           
  • Information Institutions and Professions
  • History of Books and Libraries                           
  • Public Libraries
  • International and Comparative Librarianship    
  • Women in the Professions


  • Professionalization and gender issues in librarianship
  • Literacy as an information policy issue (France & the U. S.)
  • Comparative and cross-cultural analysis of library and information services
  • History of librarianship and library education

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  • Fulbright Award 1982-1983; Harold Lancour Scholarship for Foreign Study 1983; A.A.U.W. Doctoral Fellowship 1974; ALA Awards: 1981 Justin Winsor Essay Prize; 1992 Jesse Shera Research Award; 2003--Library Quarterly Award for Excellence in Refereeing,  
  • College honors: BETA PHI MU; PHI BETA KAPPA
  • One curriculum development grant; five research grants; several travel grants; co-author of a $16,000 Title XII Grant for the Women in Development Research Information Center; UCLA Academic Senate Research Awards, (1989-90, 1992-93, 1996-97, 1997-98, 1998-99, 1999-2000, 2000-2001; 2001-2002; 2002-2003); UCLA   International Studies and Overseas Programs (ISOP)   Small Grants (1992-93, 1999-2000, 2000-2001); Co-principal, Center for the Book -Calfornia State Library, Library Services and Technology Act; annual   funding of $299,754 for 2001--2002 ; $241,000 for 2003--2004.

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"Telling Lives: Women Librarians in Europe and America at the Turn of the Century."   In   Gendering Library History, edited by Evelyn Kerslake and Nickianne Moody, pp.57-81. Liverpool, England: John Moores University Press and the Association for Research in Popular Fictions.

Aspirations and Mentoring in an Academic Environment: Women Faculty in Library and Information Science. with Joanne Passet as second author. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994.

"Lowell A. Martin: A Bio-bibliography." in Agents of Change: Progress and Innovation in the Library/Information Profession . ed. by Jana Varlejs. Jefferson, NC: Mcfarland, 1992.

"Scholarly Resources for the Study of the Third World: The Case of Africa." in Libraries and Scholarly Communication in the United States. ed. by John Cole and Phyllis Dain. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1990, pp. 111-133.

"Comparative Methodology as a Means for Assessing the Impact of Feminization and Professionalization on Librarianship." pp. 66 - 77, in Library Lit 16-: The Best of 1985. ed. by Bill Katz. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1986. (reprinted from International Library Review 17:   5-16 (1985).

Libraries in Senegal: Continuity and Change in an Emerging Nation. Chicago, American Library Association, 1981, p. 280.

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"The Lady and the Antelope: Suzanne Briet's Contribution To The French Documentation Movement." Library Trends   53 (Spring 2004)   in press

"Children's   Libraries." Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in History and Society. 3 vols..   ed. by Paula S. Fass. " New York: Macmillan Reference: Gale. 2003.

"Alice I. Bryan (1902-1992)". Dictionary of American Library Biography, Second supplement. ed by Donald G. Davis, Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2003. pp.43-47.

"Frances Clarke Sayers (1897-1989)". Dictionary of American Library Biography, Second supplement. ed by Donald G. Davis, Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2003. pp 192-196.

"Women in Librarianship." International Encyclopedia of Information and Library Science. 2nd ed..edited by John Feather and Paul Sturges London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2003. pp. 655-659.

"Documenting One Hundred Twenty Years of Writings on Women's Entry, Advancement, And Struggle For Equalization In Librarianship." (review essay covering On Account of Sex: An Annotated Bibliography on the Status of Women in Librarianship (4 volumes) and The Role of Women in Librarianship, 1876-1976 .   in   Library Quarterly 72   (April 2002) p. 241-246.

"Books and Libraries as Instruments of Cultural Diplomacy In Francophone Africa During the Cold  War." Libraries & Culture 36 (Winter 2001):58-86.

" 'No Philosophy Carries So Much Conviction as the Personal Life': Mary Wright Plummer as an Independent Woman." Library Quarterly  70 (January 2000): 1-46.

"International Dimensions of Library History: Leadership and Scholarship from 1978 to 1998." Library History Round Table's Fiftieth Anniversary Issue,   Libraries & Culture 35: (Winter 2000):66-76.

"Books and Libraries as Instruments of Cultural Diplomacy In Francophone Africa During  the Cold   War." refereed paper published in Livres, Edition, Bibliothèques, Lecture durant la Guerre Froide, proceedings of a confenence sponsore by the Table Ronde Hisotoire des Bibliothèques de l'IFLA and l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure des   Sciences de l'Information et les Bibliothèques, Villeurbanne, France, 1998.

"Le féminisme dans les bibliothèques anglo-saxonnes au début du siècle. En réponse à l'article de Francois Lapèlerie, paru dans le Bulletin d'informations de l'ABF no 177. pp. 121-123, " Bulletin d'informations de l'ABF no 179, (1998):100-101.

 "Gender, Culture and the Transformation of American Librarianship, 1890-1920, Libraries & Culture, 33 (Winter, 1998):51-61.

"Toward A New Model of The Information Professions: Embracing Empowerment." Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 38 (Fall 1997): 283-302

"Women's Values, Vision and Culture in the Transformation of American Librarianship, 1890-1920," in  Libraries and Reading in Times of Cultural Change, Moscow: Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, 1996   

"Literacy,   Equality and   Community:  Libraries, Philanthropy, and the Literacy   Movement in Contemporary   France," Libraries & Culture   (Spring, 1996)

"Women as Visionaries, Mentors and the Agents of Change." in Occasional Papers of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois, no. 196 1994):105-130.

"Gender Issues in Librarianship." in the Encyclopedia of Library History . ed. by Wayne Wiegand and Donald Davis, pp. 227-232.   Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994.

"Introduction" to "The Public Library Inquiry: Reminiscences, Reflection and Research," special issue of Libraries and Culture 29 (Winter 1994):1-3.

"The Scope, Background and Intellectual Context of the Public Library Inquiry," with Douglas Raber as first author. Libraries and Culture   29 (Winter 1994):27-48.

"Public Libraries in Transition: The Impact of the Inquiry on Ideals, Strategies and Research." Libraries and Culture 29 (Winter 1994):75-94.

"Alice Bryan: Psychologist, Library Educator and Feminist." Libraries and Culture 29 (Winter 1994):128-132.

"Unwritten Rules: Mentoring Women Faculty." with Joanne Passet as second author Library and Information Science Research 15:117-141. (July 1993) abridgment of paper that received the 1992   Jesse Shera Research Award from the ALA Library Research Round Table.

"l'Heure Joyeuse, the First Children's Library in France: Its Contribution to a New Paradigm for Public Libraries." Library Quarterly  63:257 - 281 (July 1993).

"Library Research and Publishing in Francophone Africa." I FLA Journal 13:45-53 (January 1987).

"Americans in France: Cross-Cultural Influence and the Diffusion of Innovations." Journal of Library History, 21:315-333 (Spring 1986).

"Women in Library Education:   Down the Up Staircase." Library Trends -- "Education for Librarianship in America, 1887-1987" 34:401-432 (Winter 1986).

"The Role of External Aid in West African Library Development." Library Quarterly   54:1-16 (January 1986).

"Honoré, Suzanne (1909- )" ALA World Encyclopedia, second edition, p. 341, Chicago: American Library Association, 1986.

"Morel, Eugène (1869-1934)" ALA World Encyclopedia, second edition, pp. 562-564, Chicago: American Association, 1986.

"Library Education in Francophone Africa: Notes from a USIS Tour." Journal of Education for Library and Information Science,  25:51-54 (Summer 1984).

"Library Education in France: Notes of an American Educator Abroad." Journal of Education for Librarianship. 24:283-286 (Spring 1984).

"La Formation des bibliothécaires aux Etats-Unis." Bulletin des Bibliothèques de France 29: 56-59 (Janvier-Février 1984).

"Au service des lecteurs: l'action des premières bibliothécaires francaises." Bulletin d'Information de l'Association des Diplomés de l'Ecole de Bibliothécaires Documen t alistes. Numero Special Femmes Bibliothécaires no. 22:3-16 (Novembre 1983).

"Women Librarians in France:   The First Generation."  Journal of Library History, 18:407-449 (Fall 1983). Winner of the 1981 Justin Winsor Award offered by the Library History Round Table of the American Library Association.

"Introductory Remarks -- Women in Library History:  Liberating our Past." Journal of Library History 18:369-371 (Fall 1983).

"Towards a History of Women in Librarianship: A Critical Analysis with Suggestions for Further Research." Journal of Library History 17:163-185 (Spring 1982).

"The Colonial Legacy in West African Libraries: A Comparative Analysis." pp. 173-245, in Advances in Librarianship, vol. 12 New York: Academic Press, 1982.

"Libraries for the General Public in French Speaking Africa: Their Cultural Role, 1803 - 1975." Journal of Library History, 16:210-225 (Winter 1981).

"The A.O.F. Archives and the Study of African History." Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Série B 42 (1980): 277-298.

"Museum of the Mind: Rare Books in the Public Library." Wilson Library Bulletin 54:296-304 (January 1980).

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Les rôles multiformes de la bibliothèque publique américaine: Espace de lecture, place publique, et portail à l'Internet. Actes duForum des bibliothèques publiques du Québec, mounted on the Website of   L'association Les Bibliothèques publiques du Québec (mounted   November 2000, accessed, February 11, 2004).

Review of Cora Wilson Stewart: Crusader Against Illiteracy, by Willie Nelms (Jefferson, NC McFarland & Co., 1997) in Library Quarterly, 69:373-375  (July 1999).

"Review   Article, " Reclaiming the American Library Past: Writing the Women In. Edited by Suzanne Hildenbrand. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing. 1996." Library Quarterly, 68 (July 1998): 341-346.

"Evaluative report on l'Ecole de Bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l'information" submitted to the Vice-Rectorat à la planification, Université de Montréal, May 1993; co-authored withJean Tague and Jacques Grimard.

Review of Territoires de la culture québécoise. Quebec: Les Presses de l'Université de Laval, 1991. Libraries & Culture 27:333-335  (Summer 1992).

Review of Mass Communication, and Society in West Africa ed. by Frank Okwu Ugboajah. (New York: Hans Zell, K. G. Saur, 1985) in Library Quarterly    58:194-195   (January 1988).

"Assessment of Information Needs of Faculty Members in African Studies at UCLA." Report submitted to the Defense Academic Research Support program as part of a feasibility study on Information Resources in Support of Third World Country Reseach directed by Robert Hayes. (August 1987)

"Téléconférence sur la bibliothéconomie et la formation des bibliothécaires aux Etats-Unis." Recorded telephone conference held with librarians attending a program at the American Cultural Center in Dakar, Senegal.   Audiocassette published and distributed by the United States Information Agency, Satellite Communications Program.   (June 1987)

"Video-Conférence sur les bibliothèques américaines." Videocassette distributed by the United States Information Agency, Satellite Communications Program. (April 1987)

"Cross-Cultural Research on the Feminization of Librarianship: Prospects and Strategies." Paper presented at the Library History Round Table Research Forum, American Library Association Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA. Audiocassette published by ALA.

Review of African Libraries: Western Tradition and Colonial Brainwashing by Adolphe Amadi (Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press,1981) in Library Quarterly 52:394-395 (October 1982).


"The Role of Women in Information Science and Librarianship Professionalism, Scholarship& Practice. " Introductory Remarks. ALISE Special Interest  Group on Gender IssuesAssociation for Library & Information Science Education. January 8, 2004

"In Principle, In Print and In Practice:  The Influence of Quaker Egalitarianism on the Life and Work of Mary Wright Plummer" Society for the History of  Authorship, Reading and Publishing (SHARP), July 10, 2003 Claremount,  CA

Cross-Gender Mentoring: Breaking the Pink Glass Ceiling.Mentoring, Gender and the Glass Ceiling. Committee on the Status of   Women in Librarianship. Keynote speaker for program. American Library Association Annual Meeting, June 23, 2003  Toronto, CA

"Gender Issues   and Feminism in 20th Century Librarianship". Library History Round Table, Research Forum. American Library Association Annual Meeting, June 21, 2003    Toronto,   CA

"Books for Ethnic Communities: Remembering our Past, Reflecting on the Future." Special  Interest Group, Historical Perspectives. Association for Library & Information Science Education. January  2003 Philadelphia, PA

"A Tale of Two Libraries: A Comparative Study of the  Earliest Women Professionals at the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris and the British Museum Library in London." California Center for the Book, Forum for the Study of Print and Electronic Culture. November 29, 2001

""It Is Essential That the First Women to Be Employed Work Wonders.": Careers of   the Earliest Female Librarians at the British Museum and the Bibliothèque Nationale." Paper accepted for presentation at the conference on Women In Print Culture, sponsored by the University of Wisconson. Madison, WiI,    September 13,2001-conference cancelled

Bookwomen in Europe and America at the Turn of the 20th Century " Lecture given at a Ph.D. seminar on Critical Approaches to Historical Research in Library and Information Science. University of Illinois, Graduate School of in Library and Information Science. November 30, 2000, Urbana, IL

"The History   of   National Libraries In Francophone   Africa." invited paper presented at   the Library of Congress, Bicentenial Symposium, "National   Libraries of   the World: Interpreting the Past, Shaping the Future." October 23,  2000, Washington, DC

"Les rôles multiformes de la bibliothèque publique américaine: Espace de lecture, place publique, et portail à l'Internet.." Forum des bibliothèques publiques du Québec. L'Association Les Bibliothèques publiques du Québec,. September 15, 2000, Shawanigin, Quebec-CANADA

"La bibliothèque publique américaine de l'avenir:L'impact des nouvelles technologies et   nouveaux services." Lecture presented at the University of Montreal, Ecole de Bibliothéconomie et des Sciences de l'Information, September 12, 2000  Montreal, Quebec -CANADA

"Form Follows Function: Reflections on The Architecture Of The Printed Book, As The Key To Its Future In An Electronic Environment. "   refereed paper presented at   the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing (SHARP) I July 2000, Mainz, GERMANY,

"Form, Function and   Future of   the Book."   invited paper presented at the University of Illinois, sponsored by the Graduate School of in Library and Information Science and the University of Illinois Library Colloquium Committee, May 25, 2000,  Urabana,   IL

  "Library Education in 1900, Opportunites andChallenges of a New Century." Library History SIG, Association for Library & Information Science Education.January 13, 2000, San Antonio, TX

"Mentoring Women Faculty." presented as part of a pre-conference program: "Mentoring at ALISE: Linking Established Scholars with Scholars in the Making"sponsored by the ALISE Recruitment Committee. January 11, 2000, San Antonio, TX

"Gender Issues in the History of Librarianship: Comparative Methodologies and Theoretical Perspectives." to be presented at Gendering Library History, an International conference sponsored by John Moores University and the Association for Research in Popular Fictions. May 15, 1999, Liverpool, England

"Integrating Feminist Research and Pedagogy in LIS Education," paper to be presented as part of a program of he Gender Issues Special Interest Group program entitled "Gender, Technology and Feminism." Association for Library & Information Science Education. January  27, 1999, Philadelphia, PA

"A Work of My Own, Regular Dignified and of Some Consequence," Paper presented at a plenary session of the annual conference of the Association for for Library & Information Science Education. January 9, 1998, New Orleans, LA

"Career   Women in California: From the Depression to Affirmative Action. " Paper presented at the conference of the Western Association of Women   Historians, May 14,1997, Monterey, CA                                                                                                  

"Toward   a New   Model of the   Information Professions: Embracing Empowerment."  Juried Paper presented at a plenary session of the annual conference of the Association for for Library & Information Science Education. February 13, 1997, Washington, D. C.

"Women's   Values, Vision and Culture in the Transformation of American Librarianship, 1890-1920," paper presented at an international conference on   "Libraries and Reading in Times of Cultural Change, " sponsored by IFLA,  ALA and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. June 19, 1996   Vologda,   Russia

"The Role of Mentoring for Doctoral Students and Junior Faculty." Paper presented at the annual conference of the Association for for Library & Information Science Education, February  2 1994 , Los Angeles, CA

"De savoir lire à savoir s'informer: Literacy as a metaphor." Paper presented at colloquium at l'Ecole de Bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l'information, Université de Montréal. November 12, 1993 Montreal, CANADA

"Les politiques nationales en alphabétisation: une étude comparative entre la France et les Etats-Unis." Paper presented at the Forum Lipour Reussir.  November 12, 1993 Montreal, CANADA

"Women Librarians as Mentors and Change Agents," paper presented at the Research Forum of the Library History Roundtable, American Library Assoication Annual Conference. June 24, 1993 New Orleans, LA

"Information Literacy." Paper presented at Washington Library Association's Annual Conference. April 23, 1993 Tacoma, WA

"Literacy as a National Issue in France and the United States: The Role of Public/Private Sector Cooperation." Paper presented at Indiana University. March 25, 1993 , Bloomington, IN

"Women in an Academic Environment: Influence Without Authority." Paper presented at the annual conference of the Association for Library & Information Science Education. January 199 , Chicago, IL

"Aspirations and Mentoring in an Academic Environment: A Study of Women Faculty in Library and Information Science." with Joanne Passet. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Association for Library & Information Science Education. January 1990, Chicago, IL

"Libraries and Literacy Volunteers in California: A Dynamic Partnership." Paper presented at the Pre-conference Seminar on Public Libraries Against Illiteracy at the 1989 Conference of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. August 1989 , Paris, France

"Libraries, Learning and Literacy in Africa: An Historical Overview." Paper presented at the American Library Association Annual Conference. June 1989 , Dallas, TX

"A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Women Professionals in France and the United States." Paper presented at a meeting sponsored by the American Association of University Women. February 1988, Medford, OR

"Library Education in Francophone Africa." Paper presented to the Special Interest Group on International Relations, the Association for Library and Information Science Education. January 1988, San Antonio, TX

"Scholarly Resources for the Study of the Third World: The Case of Africa." Paper presented at an interdisciplinary conference sponsored by Columbia University School of Library Service and the Center for the Book in Library of Congress. November 1987 , Washington DC

"The Literature of Librarianship in Francophone Africa." Paper presented at the open meeting of the Editors of Library Journals Round Table at the 1985 Conference of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. August 1985 , Chicago, IL

"Colonial Library Development in Angolphone and Francophone West Africa." Paper presented at the International Conference on the Role of Libraries and Information Services in Africa organized by the Department of Library Science at Bayero University. June 1985 , Kano, NIGERIA

"The Role of Libraries in Nation Building." Paper presented at a Symposium organized by the Nigeran Library Association, Zwara State Division at the University of Ilorin. June 1985 , Ilorin, NIGERIA

"American Librarianship in France: An Essay on Cross-Cultural Exchange and Innovation." Paper read at Library History Seminar VII at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. March 1985, Chapel Hill, NC

"La Formation des bibliothécaires aux Etats-Unis." Paper presented for a faculty seminar at the Ecole des Bibliothécaires Archivistes et Documentalistes, Universite' de Dakar. March 1985, Dakar, Senegal

  "An Analysis of External Aid to West African Libraries." Paper read at the open meeting of the Section on Library Theory and Research, 1984 Conference of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. August 1984, Nairobi, KENYA

"Feminist Cultural Perspectives on the Development of the Library Profession in France and the United States." Program sponsored by the West European Studies Center, University of Minnesota. April 1984 , Minneapolis, MN

"Les Formations aux U.S.A." Paper presented at an International Symposium on Library Education held at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Bibliothécaires April 1983, Villeurbanne, FRANCE

"Les Premières bibliothécaires francaises." Paper presented at the annual conference of the Association des Diplomés de l'Ecole des Bibliothécaires Documentalistes. January 1983 , Paris, FRANCE

"Cross-Cultural Research on the Feminization of Librarianship: Prospects and Strategies." Paper presented at the Library History Round Table Research Forum, American Library Association Annual Conference. July 1982 , Philadelphia, PA

"Women in Librarianship: An Analysis of Recent Historical Work." Paper presented at the Library Research Roundtable Information Exchange, American Library Association Conference. June 1981, San Francisco, CA

"The Foundation of the Association des Bibliothécaires Francais and the Professionalization of Librarianship in France." Research Report presented at the Library Research Round Table InformationExchange at the American Library Association Annual Conference. July 1980, New York, NY

"The Cultural Role of Libraries in French Speaking Africa." Paper presented at the Library History Seminar VI at the University of Texas, Austin. March 1980, Austin, TX

"Historical Research and the Archives of French West Africa." Paper presented at the 1979 Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association. November 1979, Los Angeles , CA

"The History of the Book and Fine Printing as Reflected in the Perrie Jones Collection of the Saint Paul Public Library ." Program cosponsored by the Minnesota Humanities Commission. September 1979 , Saint Paul, MN

"An Historical Approach to Library Development in a Third World Country." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of American Library Schools. January 1979, Washington, DC

"Libraries in Senegal with Special Reference to Public Library Development." Paper distributed at the second Afro-Scandinavian Library Conference sponsored by the Association Internationale pour le Développement de la Documentation, des Bibliothèques et des Archives. April 1975 , Dakar, SENEGAL



American Library Association (1970- )

STANDING COMMITTEE ON LIBRARY EDUCATION (SCOLE): member of *International Library Education Subcommittee; Member 1985-1987; Chair, 1987-1989

LIBRARY HISTORY ROUND TABLE (LHRT): Secretary-Treasurer, 1981-1982; Member, Program Planning Committee, 1979-1980; Member at large, Executive Committee, 1989-90; Vice chair, Chair elect, 1990-9; Chair, 1991-1992; Chair, Phyllis Dain Dissertation Award Committee 1992-94; Justin Winsor Award Committee, member, 1998-2000, Chair, 2000-2000; LHRT Representative to the Planning Committee for Library Research Seminar II -"Partners And Connections: Research And Practice"; Donald G. Davis Award Committee-Chair 2004

ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES, West European Specialists Section (WESS): Member of the Advisory Group for the West European Studies Symposium, 1981-1982

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS ROUND TABLE: Member at large of the Executive Committee, 1977-1979


Association for LIbrary and Information Science Education (1977-): INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE, Member 1986-1988; Member 1994-1995


GENDER ISSUES SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP: Program Convener, 1989-1990, 1998-1999


Association des Bibliothécaires Francais: Member, 1982-1983

California Library Association: Member, 1988-; Library Education Committee, 1993-1995; CLA LIBRARY HISTORY ROUND TABLE  (LHRT) Founding member 1997-; Liaison to   the ALA Library History Roundtable; Vice- President,   2001; President, 2002; CLA   Conference Planning Committtee 2001; member   of the program subcommittee    

California State Library, Continuing Education Task Force: Member, 1990-1992

Minnesota Library Association (1976-1985); CONTINUING EDUCATION COMMITTEE; Chairperson, Fall Conference Subcommittee, 1976; Chairperson, Planning Committee for the continuing education preconference, 1977


  • Libraries and Culture (formerly the Journal of Library History ) Library Quarterly ;
  • Journal of Education for Library and Information Science ;
  • Occasional Papers of the University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science ; refereed papers for the 1988 annual conference of   ASIS
  • Member of the editorial advisory board of Beta Phi Mu Monograph Series, Greenwood Press
  • Member of the editorial advisory board of Libraries & Culture , 1988-
  • Member of the International Advisory Board of the Encyclopedia of Library History ,1989-1994.



  • Translated the ALA World Encyclopedia Second edition (Chicago:American Library Association, 1986), "Algeria;"; "Cain, Julien;;"   "Henriot, Gabriel;";   "Lemaitre, Henri;  "Mali;" "Senegal"
  • Served as editorial advisor for a special issue of the Journal of Library History 14 (Winter 1984) entitled "Library and Information Science in France: a 1983 Overview." Also translated the following article: Wagner-Urbain, Madeleine . "A Bibliographic Note on Professional Literature." Journal of Library History 14: 166-182 (Winter 1984)


  • Westwood Presbyterian Church, Member, 1987- ; Deacon, 1998-1999,Co-convenor of Women Reading, 1989-1991.
  • PTA member: North Hollywood High School, Highly Gifted Magnet,
  • Portola Middle School, Highly Gifted Magnet, PTA member,
  • Brentwood Science Magnet, 74th Street School,
  • American Association of University Women, Member
  • National Organization for Women (NOW), Member

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