
Courses Recently Taught
IS 207 - International and Comparative Librarianship
History and development of international organizations and programs in library and information science. Identification of key issues in international exchange of information. Introduction to comparative method as procedure for study and research.
IS 245 - Information Access
Provides fundamental knowledge and skills enabling information professionals to link users with information. Overview of structure of literature in different fields; information-seeking behavior of user groups; communication with users; development of search strategies using print and electronic sources.

IS 281 - Historical Methodology for Library and Information Science Research
Introduction to historical research as it relates to library and information science. Identification of key primary and secondary source material for writing history in the field. Critical analysis of selected histories of various areas in the profession. Problem-oriented approach.


bibliography of history reference works with a list of library historians

student digital library

IS 287 - Doctoral Seminar: Information Institutions
Designed for Ph.D. students. Introduction to social theory and examination of several analytical frameworks that can be used to analyze social, cultural, and political roles of information institutions and professionals who direct them.
Courses Previously Taught
IS 110 - Information Resources and Libraries
Designed for sophomores/juniors/seniors. Not open for credit to M.L.I.S. students. Introduction to bibliographic and information resources and relevant research methodology, covering both general and specialized materials. Designed to facilitate knowledgeable use of libraries and efficient retrieval of information. Some sections focus on specific subject areas (such as science and technology).
syllabus not available online
IS 200 - Introduction to Information Society
Examination of processes by which information and knowledge are created, integrated, disseminated, organized, used, and preserved. Topics include history of communication technologies, evolution of literacy, development of information professions, and social issues related to information access.
syllabus not available online
IS 295 - Theoretical Traditions in Information Studies
Introduction to multiple approaches historically taken in study of information (e.g., library and information science, archival theory, social informatics). Assessment of influence of cognate disciplines (e.g., linguistics, mathematics, philosophy, sociology). Evaluation of epistemological accounts of information sciences.
syllabus not available online